Correspondence with a judge is not strictly regulated by law. The basic requirements for correspondence are of a general recommendation nature. However, if you want to achieve something with this letter, try to make the appeal correctly and competently.

Step 1
It is not at all necessary to strictly adhere to the letter in an official manner. In the "To" column, be sure to indicate the full position of the judge and his surname, first name and patronymic in the genitive case, here abbreviations are simply unacceptable. Moreover, if a judge has any titles (for example, "Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation"), indicate them in the same case between the position and the surname. In the upper right corner, write who the appeal is coming from; enter your personal and contact information (address, phone number, e-mail, etc.).
Step 2
The address can be arbitrary, but always respectful and without a shadow of familiarity ("Dear Sergei Ivanovich", for example). It is not necessary to list the positions and titles for the second time, you indicated all this in the line above. At the beginning of the letter, give a clear focus on the event or material you are applying for (for example, "There is a divorce case in your proceedings"). Do not force the judge to puzzle over why a stranger writes to him in such a way.
Step 3
In the second part, clearly and coherently state the event because of which, in fact, you are addressing. Describe it in sufficient detail, but without being distracted by trifles. Be sure to indicate how this event relates to the case that the judge has.
Step 4
In the third (operative) part of the letter from the red line, write "I ask you …" and state your request in a simple and understandable form. The size of the letter should not exceed two pages, if your appeal turned out to be larger, it means that you, most likely, still could not refrain from excessive details.
Step 5
Write a letter by hand or print the text? This is not an idle question. The law does not prohibit drawing up documents by hand, but, firstly, the typewritten text is easier to perceive with the eye, and secondly, it contains more information.
Step 6
Complete the letter in the standard way: "Best regards, surname and initials, signature." It is better to send the letter by registered order with a receipt confirmation, then you will not worry that it was lost and did not get to the addressee.