Helpful tips

How To Write A Resume Competently: Tips

How To Write A Resume Competently: Tips

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

A resume when applying for a job is your face and the main indicator. This document should say everything about the employee and in the smallest detail, but at the same time, briefly and clearly, competently and beautifully. Therefore, it is so important to write your resume correctly

Yandex Taxi: Work On Your Car

Yandex Taxi: Work On Your Car

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

At Yandex Taxi, working on your own car presupposes a reliable source of main or additional income. If you have a car, working as a driver in a trusted company through the app will be the right decision. Making money with Yandex Taxi is interesting and extremely profitable

How To Get A Job As A Sales Manager

How To Get A Job As A Sales Manager

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

Everything is bought and sold, and even in large quantities. So sales managers will always be in demand. But the demand for such vacancies is quite large, because this specialty implies career growth, and even a decent salary - from $ 300 to $ 2,000 per month

How To Work For Pleasure, Or Professions That Do Not Require An Office

How To Work For Pleasure, Or Professions That Do Not Require An Office

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

There are always a number of people in the world who are not ready to go with the flow and be like everyone else. This makes them literally run from a stuffy, noisy office to "free bread" and look for a job that does not require a presence on the company's territory five days a week

How To Make Money On Maternity Leave: Proven Ways

How To Make Money On Maternity Leave: Proven Ways

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

Is it possible to make money while on maternity leave? This issue regularly worries millions of mothers, for whom the decree is not only caring for their baby, but also time to express themselves in new areas and fields of activity. Consider several proven methods that will definitely not let you down

What You Need To Know When Applying For A Job In A Prestigious Company

What You Need To Know When Applying For A Job In A Prestigious Company

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

The question of getting a job in a prestigious company is of interest to every adult resident of the country. Not everyone succeeds in convincing the management or HR manager of their compliance with the stated requirements. Due to low motivation or lack of necessary personal qualities, a qualified specialist is often forced to be content with a low-paid position

How And What Profession To Choose In

How And What Profession To Choose In

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

Choosing a profession that suits you for life is the main thing that everyone would like to do in their youth. Often what a person dreams of in childhood does not at all coincide with what he comes to in the future. The profession should not only be loved

Programmer Salaries In China

Programmer Salaries In China

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

China is one of the main leaders in high technology. Programmers are at the forefront of these technologies. What kind of salary can a programmer expect when he travels to China? How much do JAVA, WEB, Fullstack pay C ++, Visual Basic programmers and specialists in China?

Q&A: What It's Like To Be A School Teacher

Q&A: What It's Like To Be A School Teacher

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

Sometimes it's scary to ask a stupid question. But I want to know more about modern and interesting professions. Therefore, a selection of topical questions for the school teacher was compiled. Answers from parents, schoolchildren and novice teachers will help to understand the nuances of the profession "

Who Is A Build Editor: Description Of The Profession And Main Responsibilities

Who Is A Build Editor: Description Of The Profession And Main Responsibilities

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

The appearance of printed products at the present stage plays a huge role. The cover should look bright, attractive and interesting. Otherwise, no one will simply buy the products. A huge number of specialists are working on the design of the publication

How To Choose A Profession After School

How To Choose A Profession After School

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

For a student, choosing an institute is an important part of life, because further career activity depends on it. When choosing a future profession, it is important to realize that everything should be carefully considered by both the student and the parents

Who Is The Greenkeeper? Description And Features Of The Profession

Who Is The Greenkeeper? Description And Features Of The Profession

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

Greenkeeping is one of the branches of agronomy responsible for keeping the lawn in good condition. Greenkeeper is a person who is obliged to monitor the condition of the lawn. It can work both with football fields and with golf courses. In the second version, the list of requirements for it is significantly increased

What Kind Of Work Is Possible On My Car?

What Kind Of Work Is Possible On My Car?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

What else can a car be besides luxury and a means of transportation? A means of replenishing the family budget. Working on your car can be both basic and additional. Moreover, now the possibility of making money on personal vehicles is quite legal

How To Survive The Trial Period

How To Survive The Trial Period

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

The probationary period is a difficult time in the life of a potential employee. You need to make every effort and show your best side so that the employer concludes an employment contract with you. In case of failure, do not despair, your work is waiting for you somewhere

How To Pay For Your Next Vacation

How To Pay For Your Next Vacation

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

All employees working under an employment contract are entitled to annual paid leave of at least 28 calendar days. Employees working in stressful and hazardous working conditions are paid longer annual leave. Vacation payments are based on the average earnings in the 12 months preceding the vacation

How To Calculate Maternity

How To Calculate Maternity

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

Maternity leave is paid for 140 days. For complicated labor, 16 days are added. For multiple pregnancies, maternity leave is 194 days. All days are paid on the basis of 100% of the average earnings for 24 months. For women with less than 6 months of experience, the payment of maternity days is calculated according to the minimum wage

How To Tell The Director About Pregnancy

How To Tell The Director About Pregnancy

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

You found out about your interesting situation and are insanely happy! One thing darkens your joy: how do you tell your employer about it? How to inform him about the proposed maternity leave so that you can continue to work in a relaxed atmosphere, without the hassle and imposition of financial penalties for the slightest offense?

Who Can Work Part-time And Who Cannot, In Accordance With The Legislation Of

Who Can Work Part-time And Who Cannot, In Accordance With The Legislation Of

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

Part-time work can be performed under a separate employment contract, both at the place of the main job, and in other organizations. In the first case, the combination is called internal, in the second - external. It must be noted in the employment contract that the work is performed by a part-time worker

How To Get Maternity Benefits In

How To Get Maternity Benefits In

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

Maternity benefits include a lump sum and maternity allowance, which are paid to a woman at the start of maternity leave. These are one-time payments and they are due to any woman, regardless of whether she worked before the onset of maternity leave or was officially unemployed

Whether To Go To Work From Maternity Leave Earlier

Whether To Go To Work From Maternity Leave Earlier

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

There are times when a woman wishes to interrupt her maternity leave ahead of schedule. In this case, she should have a clear idea of how much it is possible, and whether it is necessary to leave maternity leave ahead of schedule at all. Is it possible to get out of maternity leave ahead of schedule

How To Write A Testimonial To A Psychologist

How To Write A Testimonial To A Psychologist

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

A characteristic for a psychologist is a service document required by a relevant specialist when applying for a job or to find clients. A lot depends on this official paper - a person's career and professional life. How to write a testimonial to a psychologist?

How To Make An Estimate For Production

How To Make An Estimate For Production

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

The cost estimate for the production of a product is a list and value of all costs, grouped by economic element, with a general economic content. Such an estimate is necessary, first of all, to establish the optimal level of costs included in it, to identify savings reserves and to determine the cost of production planned for production

How To Write A Certificate From The Place Of Work

How To Write A Certificate From The Place Of Work

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

There is no work certificate, obligatory for all occasions. But there are some requirements: both to the design and to the content. The most frequently requested one can be called a certificate for the embassy, which must be attached to the set of documents for a visa at the request of the consulates of many countries

How To Write A Testimonial For An Accountant

How To Write A Testimonial For An Accountant

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

A characteristic for an accountant, just like for any other employee of an enterprise, is one of the types of production characteristics. Therefore, its content must meet the same requirements as for the writing and execution of such business documents and comply with GOST R 6

Office Equipment - What Is It

Office Equipment - What Is It

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

The word "office equipment" has long and firmly entered our daily use. But if you ask the first person who comes across what it is and what devices can be called office equipment, not everyone will be able to answer correctly. Office equipment (organizational equipment) is practically all the technical equipment of a modern office

What Is The Difference Between Salary And Salary

What Is The Difference Between Salary And Salary

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

The terms salary and wages refer to the same economic variety - the wages of workers. But, despite this similarity, there are significant differences between these concepts from each other. What is the difference between salary and wages. The essence of "

How To Pay For Holidays On Holidays

How To Pay For Holidays On Holidays

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

The basic annual paid leave is granted to each employee. You can get your first vacation after working for six months. The duration of the vacation is 28 calendar days. A vacation is issued in accordance with the vacation schedule on the basis of the Order

How To Take On A New Position

How To Take On A New Position

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

The newly appointed employee has the right to some introduction into the process. He can count on the help of the management, the personnel department for this. But he himself must also know some of the rules for entering a new duty station, so that you can quickly adapt to the new environment and start working effectively

How To Pay Your Premium Tax-free

How To Pay Your Premium Tax-free

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

Bonuses to employees of both state and commercial organizations are not taxed only if they are of the nature of material assistance in terms of the method of payment and registration. Instructions Step 1 Material assistance is the payment by management of a certain amount of money in favor of one or more employees in connection with a difficult financial situation, low wages or a sudden need for funds

How To Find Out How Many Vacation Days Are Allowed

How To Find Out How Many Vacation Days Are Allowed

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

The easiest way is to go to the HR department and listen to the authoritative opinion of a specialist. If an employee independently wants to find out this issue, counting the number of days of the next vacation does not seem to be a particularly time-consuming process

Who Is A Gemologist? Features Of The Profession

Who Is A Gemologist? Features Of The Profession

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

Gemologist is an expert in precious stones, minerals. A specialist in the field of gemology investigates the origin of stones, studies the peculiarities of their processing. His responsibilities include evaluating and certifying minerals. A true professional in his field is able to easily determine the type of gem and its origin

Who Is A Fitness Instructor: Features Of The Profession

Who Is A Fitness Instructor: Features Of The Profession

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

The sports lifestyle at the present stage is very popular. Tight, slender figures are in fashion. People increasingly visit gyms to achieve their desired look. And professional fitness instructors provide them with serious help. The word "

How To Beat Your Fear Of The Interview

How To Beat Your Fear Of The Interview

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

Fear is a problem that people face in their personal and professional life. This phenomenon is typical for all professions. Most often, an employee is afraid of losing his job, not coping with the assigned tasks. Many people have fear of communicating with their superiors or clients

What Do You Need To Know About The Proposed Position In Order Not To Miscalculate?

What Do You Need To Know About The Proposed Position In Order Not To Miscalculate?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

Many people mistakenly believe that the interview is only necessary for the employer to evaluate the candidate. In fact, such a visit to the company gives the applicant himself the right to determine how attractive it is for him to be employed in a certain company and for a specific position

What Work Is Considered Interesting

What Work Is Considered Interesting

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

Finding an interesting job is something that every able-bodied person should strive for in their search. Doing something fun is a completely natural process: a person spends most of his life at work, so you should not spend years in an unloved place

How To Fix Errors In The Past

How To Fix Errors In The Past

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

Even an experienced accountant is not immune to making mistakes when writing a report. You can incorrectly indicate a particular business transaction, with an error calculate the tax base. Accounting deficiencies and their negative consequences can be mitigated

Living And Working In Vietnam: How To Move

Living And Working In Vietnam: How To Move

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

People of different professions are thinking about moving to Vietnam. This country has an interesting culture, pleasant climate, and unique cuisine. Foreigners are not always happy with the move, because Vietnam is fraught with many pitfalls

How To Take Inventory Of The Cash Register

How To Take Inventory Of The Cash Register

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

Cash register is a check of primary and secondary accounting documentation, cash book balance and cash at the cash register. The entire check must be carried out taking into account the order No. 49 of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, the letter of the Central Bank No

How To Make A Report

How To Make A Report

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

Need to make a report but don't know where to start? Just a few steps will help you not to postpone the case and submit the report on time. Instructions Step 1 There are many types of reports. Start by defining the uniqueness of the report

How To Write A Job Report

How To Write A Job Report

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

The reports we have to write at work are different. By frequency, they can be weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly. The first two are the most convenient for operational control, management and analysis. Quarterly reports provide an analysis of the activities of a department or company and present its results for the current quarter