Part-time work can be performed under a separate employment contract, both at the place of the main job, and in other organizations. In the first case, the combination is called internal, in the second - external. It must be noted in the employment contract that the work is performed by a part-time worker.

Every citizen has the right, in his free time from his main job, to work for another.
But the legislation provides for prohibitions and restrictions on part-time work for the following categories of citizens:
- persons under the age of 18 cannot have a second job if it is associated with difficult or harmful and dangerous working conditions;
- the head of the organization can work for other employers only if he has permission from the authorized body from the main place, and at the same time his functions at work do not include the duties of supervision and control;
- heads of educational state or municipal organizations are not eligible for a part-time job;
- employees of the police department and the penal system, firefighters are not entitled to external part-time jobs;
- employees of a private security company cannot combine their activities with government work, as well as with an elective paid position in a public association;
- there is no right to be part-time workers for drivers, machinists, pilots, dispatchers and workers of other professions according to the List of jobs, professions and positions directly related to the management of vehicles or their movement (according to Article 329 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
In addition, a number of federal laws prohibit part-time activities, except for scientific, pedagogical (teaching) and creative, the following categories of persons:
- members of the Russian government,
- an employee of the federal courier service,
- employees of the Central Bank of Russia according to the list of positions approved by the Board of Directors of the bank,
- lawyers, judges, prosecutors.