The GOST system is designed not only to unify the production of products and materials, but also to formalize business, organizational and administrative documentation. There is an extensive list of GOSTs, which regulate everything related to an official document - from the placement and writing of its details to the list of references placed at the end.

It is necessary
GOST 2.105-95
Step 1
You can find out how to draw up a document in accordance with GOST, the basic requirements for text business and scientific papers, having read GOST 2.105-95. This is an interstate standard in which everything related to test documents is set out in great detail and thoroughly. It provides general provisions and a definition of this concept and requirements for various types of such documents. Requirements for paperwork are also set out in GOST R 6.30-2003.
Step 2
The text itself, in accordance with the current GOST, print on one side of a sheet of A4 writing paper. The top and bottom margins should be 2 cm, the left one is set to 3 cm, the right one is 1.5 cm. The text should be printed with one and a half spacing between lines, the red line is printed with an interval of 1.25 cm. Use the Times New Roman Cyr font, 14 pt.
Step 3
Number pages in Arabic numerals by placing them in the footer, in the middle of the page. Numbering should be continuous throughout the document. Use a 10 pt font. Consider the title page when numbering, but do not put the number on it. Figures and illustrations made on separate sheets should also be taken into account in the general numbering and put the page number on them.
Step 4
Figures and illustrations should be numbered. Place them in the text immediately after they were mentioned for the first time. The numbering is put down in Arabic numerals under the picture, after the word "Fig." or "Picture", in the middle, it should be continuous throughout the document.
Step 5
Also number tables in Arabic numerals in a continuous manner throughout the entire document. Under each table write its name after the words "Table." or "Table". Each table must be located under the link to it in the text. Start headings of columns and columns of the table with capital letters. You cannot replace duplicate values in a table with quotes.
Step 6
Place all titles in the middle of the line, no period after the title. Separate them from the body text with triple spaces at the top and bottom. Words in headings cannot be hyphenated. GOST recommends starting each new section or chapter on a new page.