The newly appointed employee has the right to some introduction into the process. He can count on the help of the management, the personnel department for this. But he himself must also know some of the rules for entering a new duty station, so that you can quickly adapt to the new environment and start working effectively.

Step 1
Do not copy your predecessor's demeanor and way of working. Take as a basis what impressed you in his activities, helped the company to achieve success. But think carefully about your management style, methods of leadership in a new position.
Step 2
As it usually happens when a new person takes office, he will be expected to take quick action and a quick effect. But do not rush to “take the bull by the horns”. First, plan your future actions in stages, distributed over a quarter or six months of effective work.
Step 3
You should not establish your own rules in the team from the very first week of taking office. To begin with, communicate with him, with each employee separately, with everyone together, collect information. You must establish mutual understanding with the employees of your team, since without trust within it, it will be difficult to achieve efficiently adjusted work.
Step 4
Create certain attitudes among your subordinates. Employees should know what issues they have the right to decide on their own, without your intervention, which should be resolved only with your knowledge, what concessions they can count on from you, what will be their work schedule and possible deviations from it, and so on. That is, you need to clearly reconcile the labor regime within your team.
Step 5
Be within reach of the team and people who want to discuss a particular topic of work with you. In addition to e-mail, skype, mobile phone, you should give the opportunity to speak with you personally, face to face, to anyone who wishes. Do not hide from people behind non-existent affairs and extreme busyness, postponing interviews with them whenever possible.
Step 6
Try not to have more preferred employees, the so-called "favorites" among your subordinates. Keep yourself on par with everyone. Do not take sides with one or another divided group in your community. A split within him leads to disorder in a common cause and, as a rule, to ineffective work.
Step 7
Do not get too carried away with the entry into a new position, completely forgetting about your health and rest. Allow yourself after hours to relax, sleep, go out of town to nature, go for a massage, in the pool. Promote general corporate relaxation within your team. For example, having designated a task for him for the next week, promise that if it is successfully solved, everyone will visit the water park on the weekend.