The desire to take a leadership position is understandable and beneficial for the employee. The difference in the positions of the director and the subordinate is significant: a large salary, prestige and interesting responsibilities. But at the same time, a range of important tasks is added, a great responsibility falls on the chief. To achieve a leadership position, you need to not only do your job well, but also have ambitions, strive forward, develop and demonstrate your skills to your bosses.

Step 1
The stereotypical opinion about the easiest way to get into a leadership position is to go over the heads. Don't believe this common misconception. These are fairy tales. In fact, this belief often leads to people who are worthy of leadership positions not striving for them, because they do not want to participate in intrigues. More often than not, the reason for the difficulty in choosing a person for the post of director is that it is not easy to find someone who would really be suitable for this position. Some do not want to be promoted, others simply cannot cope. There are not so many people willing to take really significant and responsible positions, so do not think that there will be huge competition for you.
Step 2
Another important rule of career development is this: it is very rare for a deputy director to become a director. As a rule, if a manager leaves his post, then they are looking for someone else to replace him, much less often they appoint employees from their company. There are exceptions, but not often. If your company is not very large, but is developing rapidly, then there are chances. For large companies with an established workforce, such personnel reshuffles have a minimal likelihood. If you want to move up the career ladder quickly, then the strategy of changing jobs with a consistent promotion will be more advantageous.
Step 3
When changing jobs, try to take a leadership position. A head of department with a small number of subordinates - such a position is quite suitable, even if the promised salary is small. On the other hand, you can gain experience as a leader, so that later it will be much easier to get a high-paying leadership position.
Step 4
Look like a leader and behave accordingly. You must not only dress appropriately, but also hold yourself, be able to speak well and calmly. Think like a leader, try to solve problems, be confident in your abilities. If there is something about your appearance that strongly distinguishes you from employees, remove these features. For example, if you have long hair, go for a regular hairstyle. Take a closer look at how the directors look and behave, do everything exactly the same.
Step 5
Learn to lead. You need to be able to get the person to do what they may not be too keen on. This does not mean that you need to quit practicing on others. But the ability to convince, to show a person that now, for example, you need to deal with this complex report is the skill of a leader. A real director who achieves success does not shout or command subordinates, putting pressure on them, never humiliates his people. But at the same time, they do what is required.
Step 6
Carry out your responsibilities just like the best employees in your company. Despite the fact that the skills of a leader are fundamentally different from the skills of employees to cope with their duties, you cannot prove that you are worthy of a high position if you are not better than many.
Step 7
Take an interest in the management's work. Of course, you should not start doing this from the very first days of work in a new place. But when you get comfortable with the company, start looking closely at the responsibilities of a director, and over time you will see that these are not such difficult things. Once you understand this, it will be much easier for you to take a leadership position.
Step 8
Each company has a main activity, and there are additional ones. For example, if you work in an accounting firm, then accounting is the main one for it. Do your core business, not support business.