Programmer Salaries In China

Programmer Salaries In China
Programmer Salaries In China

China is one of the main leaders in high technology. Programmers are at the forefront of these technologies. What kind of salary can a programmer expect when he travels to China? How much do JAVA, WEB, Fullstack pay C ++, Visual Basic programmers and specialists in China?

In terms of Internet penetration, China is the world leader. Today, in almost all spheres of life in the Middle Kingdom, one cannot do without IT specialists. What are the salaries of local programmers? To do this, turn to one of the most popular job search sites in China (link in sources).

Java programmers in Shanghai can expect salaries from 100,000 to 300,000 rubles per month. They are working on creating all kinds of applications. This specialist is engaged in the development, verification and modification of the program code.


WEB masters receive from 60,000 to 350,000 rubles per month. These specialists work in the field of creating websites, and since now every more or less large organization has its own website, people working in this area will be in demand.


People working with C ++ and Visual Basic can receive from 45,000 to 350,000 rubles.


Is it difficult to find a job in China for a programmer position?

At the moment, more and more companies from China are expanding into international markets, Russia is no exception, so there is an acute shortage of specialists who simultaneously know Russian and can write codes correctly. Finding a job in China, even for a beginner, will not be so difficult. Considering the fact that most programmers know English, you don't have to worry about communicating with colleagues.
