How Much Should Pay Salaries In Case Of Reduction

How Much Should Pay Salaries In Case Of Reduction
How Much Should Pay Salaries In Case Of Reduction

The realities of today's life are such that everyone can be laid off; even those who work in the public service are not immune from this. Of course, this is not a very pleasant event, but nevertheless the law is on the side of those who will be forced to resign, since it provides for compensation.

How much should pay salaries in case of reduction
How much should pay salaries in case of reduction

Reduction procedure

There may be several reasons why the employer has the right to terminate the employment contract ahead of schedule. The most common one is financial difficulties that have arisen. The reduction may also be due to a change in the type of activity of the company or its reorganization. In any case, the employees of the enterprise must be notified of the upcoming changes in their fate no later than 2 months before the day of the proposed dismissal. A prerequisite is a written notification, on the second copy of which the employee must sign his signature, certifying that he became aware of the upcoming reduction.

In some cases, the employer may offer the employee to fill the available vacancies, but, as a rule, the level of wages for them is lower. The employee must write a written refusal if he does not agree with this proposal. It should be noted that the employee, in any case, should not agree to the employer's offer to simply quit. If the dismissal occurs of his own free will, he will not be able to receive any compensation due to the reduction. You should not succumb to the persuasion or threats of the employer, you need to observe, first of all, your interests.

What is required for an employee to be made redundant

In case of redundancy, the employee must receive monetary compensation for all unused vacations. In addition, the employer is obliged to pay one average monthly wage, taking into account all payments received during the last year. The employee must clarify the provisions of the collective agreement in force at the enterprise; it is quite possible that it stipulates some additional payments in case of layoff.

In addition to the monthly severance pay, the employee is also entitled to cash that can be received within 2 months after dismissal in the event that he can get another job. That is, if an employee remains unemployed, on payday he can safely come to the enterprise and receive an amount equal to the average monthly earnings 2 more times.

The law provides that in exceptional cases, an employee can apply to the cashier of his enterprise for the third time, this will need to be done if, having applied to the employment service within two weeks after dismissal, he has not been employed. The decision on the payment of the average monthly wage is taken by the territorial office of the employment service, but the former employer is obliged to fulfill it.
