There are times when a woman wishes to interrupt her maternity leave ahead of schedule. In this case, she should have a clear idea of how much it is possible, and whether it is necessary to leave maternity leave ahead of schedule at all.

Is it possible to get out of maternity leave ahead of schedule
Modern young mothers often express a desire to get out of maternity leave ahead of schedule. This decision can be made for several reasons.
Parental leave consists of several periods. Its first component is a sick leave, issued in an antenatal clinic in connection with a woman's pregnancy and the upcoming birth of a baby. Having received a vacation on the basis of a sick leave, the employee receives payment immediately for the entire vacation period and cannot go to work earlier.
After the end of the above type of leave, the employee can write an application for parental leave up to 1, 5 years old, and then extend it until the baby turns 3 years old. A woman may not write an application for her leave and immediately go to work, or leave it ahead of schedule. She has every right to do so. It is only important to warn the employer about your intentions in advance.
In the event that the company's management refuses to provide an employee with a previous job, she can apply to the Labor Inspectorate or to the court.
Is it worth interrupting maternity leave ahead of schedule
Before leaving for work ahead of schedule, it is worth considering whether it is necessary at all. Experts believe that until a certain time, a mother should not be separated from her baby. A nanny, a grandmother, a nursery teacher in a kindergarten cannot replace the child's mother's attention and care. If circumstances allow a woman to use her maternity leave to the fullest, then it is better for her to do so.
Unfortunately, the most common reason for early interruption of vacation is the financial difficulties of a young family. Mom is forced to go to work in order to maintain financial well-being at a certain level. In this case, you need to weigh all the facts and make the right decision.
Only the entry of a young mother to work part-time can be considered beneficial. In this case, she retains the right to receive benefits for caring for a child up to 1, 5 years old.
It is also important to consider the size of the expected wages. A baby who is left without a mother during the day requires care. Mom should arrange for babysitting for him. Babysitting services are quite expensive, so if the salary is low, it is unprofitable to go to work earlier than the due date.
If a grandmother or another family member looks after the baby, this person will be able to take parental leave at work and receive a monthly allowance.
All family members should take part in deciding whether a young mother should go to work early. It is desirable that, in doing so, the new division of responsibilities should be clarified. Having returned to work, the young mother will no longer be able to devote as much attention to household chores and her baby as she did before.