Work and career
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
One of the most difficult questions that a school graduate asks himself at least once in his life is the question: "How will he decide on the choice of a profession?" After all, his whole life will probably depend on which direction he chooses
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
Find a job to your liking, and you will never have to work - said Confucius. But in addition to the immediate responsibilities and the level of salary, there are many nuances that should be clarified at the interview stage. Most applicants are primarily interested in social guarantees, namely, the social package
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
"1C: Enterprise" is an applied computer program that can be used to automate the accounting of various fields of activity at any enterprise (accounting, personnel, finance, sales, etc.). The computer program "1C: Enterprise"
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
Music on the streets and in crossings is considered a special kind of activity. Russian folk art, professional classics and jazz are also played here. For some musicians this is just a hobby, while for others it is a serious source of income
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Of course, any new job is stressful. Just like any major change in life - moving, getting married, having a child or the death of a close relative. Another thing is, what is the magnitude of this stress, and whether it is useful, mobilizing the body, or harmful, exhausting
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
How you rest in the evening affects your productivity the next day. It is essential that the rest is effective. Instructions Step 1 The basic rule of effective rest is that work should remain at work. Sometimes overtime is unavoidable, but the constant extra stress after a hard day will leave your nervous system exhausted
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
The issue of choosing a profession is one of the most important in a person's life. It is understood that after graduating from school he has the opportunity to receive full-time special education in the chosen specialty and to do what he likes
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Listeners closely follow such performances in which new content is constantly revealed in the presented material. If the performance does not contain anything new, then it is left without attention, the participants of the event begin to get bored
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In some enterprises, high staff turnover is common. People can be fired for any reason, even for the smallest violations. There are many reasons why high turnover is not just the fault of the employer, but also beneficial to him. Staff turnover in a company is a process when employees of an enterprise, having worked there for some time, leave of their own accord, or the management finds a reason for dismissal, often far-fetched and frivolous
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Personnel changes in any company are one of the fundamental factors affecting the efficiency of its work. Underestimating this element of personnel policy, in the worst case scenario, can lead to the complete collapse of the most promising business
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
You graduated from high school. The time has come for freedom and independence, so desired and at the same time frightening in its uncertainty. If you intend to study seriously, it is at the age of 17-18 that you need to take a very important and responsible step - to choose a future profession
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The success of any work organization or enterprise depends entirely on the motivation of the workers. Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all mechanism for raising morale. It is different for each person. But there are universal methods to achieve this goal
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Psychologists have proved that children are influenced not only by the character of their parents and their manner of upbringing, but also by their profession. Research has shown that parental work affects a child not only in terms of psychology
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A diary is not just a beautiful business-style notebook. This is an effective tool for planning and saving your own time. With him, you will not forget about the appointments, complete the tasks on time and become a more successful person. Instructions Step 1 First you need to choose the right high-quality diary
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
In modern developed countries, one can often find such a situation when a woman is not only the keeper of the hearth, mother and wife, but also the earner of the means of subsistence. It doesn't matter for what reason you have to go to work (career, lack of money, desire to be independent), the main question that arises before a mother at such a moment is:
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People most often display the properties of different types of temperament, but one of them predominates. Each type of mental warehouse has its own areas of activity that will help you to express yourself in the best way and become successful by doing what you love
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
Women's work differs from men's not only in its physical characteristics, but also in some psychological nuances. If men are prone to leadership, which allows them to be good leaders and lawyers, then women are more inherent in perseverance and the ability to focus on details
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
In a large company, career opportunities are almost endless. Prestige, reputation, business connections, professional growth, experience - all this you get in a serious corporation. But at the same time, each employee is a kind of "cog"
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
A lot of advertisements offer everyone to change their lives, give up boring work and start making money on the Forex market. For this, supposedly, no special investment, no special knowledge, or too much time is required. Is it really possible to make money quickly and easily on Forex?
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
Currently, the investment management process, as well as its constant information support, implies the presence of unique statistical and accounting reports, which may look like off-line information or operational data on the company. Instructions Step 1 In different companies, the degree of use of the necessary information resources for reporting management is quite different
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According to article 135 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, wages can be indicated in an employment contract as a salary, hourly wage rate or piecework from the amount of work. In accordance with article 136, salary payments must be made at least twice a month at regular intervals
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Unemployment is an economic phenomenon when, given the current wage rate and the number of vacant jobs, job seekers cannot find it. The unemployment rate is calculated to determine the extent of unemployment in a country. Necessary Data on the number of economically active population of the country, the number of unemployed
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There are fraudulent companies on the labor market. For example, you find an attractive job ad, come for an interview, and you are offered something completely different from what is promised in the ad. Suppose you are applying for the position of economist, and you are offered the position of sales manager with the obligatory condition to buy a number of the company's products
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Any loan relationship is regulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. In accordance with Chapter 42 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, an enterprise has the right to issue borrowed funds to its employees. When issuing funds, it is necessary to arrange everything in accordance with the requirements of the law
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The procedure for paying allowances is established by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation. As a rule, the amount of allowances is determined by the collective agreement, which is drawn up with the participation of the trade union
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Any cash register has a fiscal memory, which enables it to work in real time, stamping on the receipts a specific date and time of the sale of goods. But in spite of everything, not a single mechanism, unfortunately, is immune from failure, and the cash register is no exception
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
In the process of economic activity of organizations, some managers are forced to send their employees on business trips. In general, the concept of "business trip" is a trip outside the workplace to resolve issues related to work
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The Labor Code of the Russian Federation should provide every person working under an employment contract with paid leave. The payment is calculated based on the employee's average earnings for 12 calendar months. Vacation pay cannot be lower than the amount calculated based on the average annual earnings
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When calculating the amount of vacation pay, the accountant is guided by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 922 dated 12.24.2007. For this, a special algorithm is used to take into account all types of payments that the employee received in the billing period
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Upon admission to work, an employee is set a certain amount of salary, which includes a salary, allowances, and a bonus. The accountant of the organization needs to calculate the amount of earnings, depending on the form of remuneration. The income tax should be deducted from it, which is 13%
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Under Russian law, every pregnant woman is entitled to paid maternity leave. With a singleton pregnancy, a maternity leave is issued from the first day at 31 weeks of gestation, with multiple pregnancies - from the first day at 29 weeks. According to the testimony of an obstetrician-gynecologist, a woman can be sent on maternity leave earlier
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The wages for one day of work have to be calculated to pay for the next vacation, maternity leave, sick leave benefits or when the time is not fully worked in a month. For each type of calculation, a certain amount is taken. Based on it, the average daily wage is determined
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According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, salaries must be paid at least twice a month. It cannot be lower than the established minimum, to which are added the premium, compensation and the regional coefficient. The minimum wage must be paid by the enterprise regardless of any employee performance indicators
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
Firing is not a pleasant process. But if a person was officially registered at the workplace, then when leaving the previous place of work, he has several pleasant bonuses. One of them is the accrual of severance pay. Instructions Step 1 The only person for whom calculating severance pay turns into a real headache
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
It is difficult to find someone who would not like to increase their income. Someone does it easily and quickly, someone does it with difficulty, and someone does not succeed at all. Often, financial problems happen to many: at first there was enough money, but, over time, the cash flow decreased and it was time to think about additional income
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Buying a car nowadays can be compared to buying furniture, thanks to various bank lending programs. But it often happens that having bought a car, the owner is unable to make monthly payments on the loan. Then it becomes necessary to search for an additional source of income, which the car itself can become
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Every person working under a civil labor contract is entitled to an annual paid leave of 28 calendar days. This number can be increased, for example, in the case of work in hazardous conditions, as well as in places of the Far North. In case of non-use of the vacation, the employee is paid compensation
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
You can make a million dollars, for example, by winning an instant lottery, inheriting an inheritance, or signing a lucrative marriage contract. However, such methods are not very effective for most people. Therefore, it is preferable to make a million by investing and keeping the money we have at our disposal
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Statistical indicators such as the size of nominal and real wages are used to compare the quality of life of the population from an economic point of view. Industry analysis allows us to identify problem areas in the economy. The state of the region as a whole is assessed by the value of the indicator of the level of average wages
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
A graph is a visual representation of the change in the parameters of a phenomenon over time. This is a graphical display of statistical data that allows you to visualize dynamic processes, organize them, analyze and draw conclusions. To build a graph, you need to collect a certain amount of data