Personnel changes in any company are one of the fundamental factors affecting the efficiency of its work. Underestimating this element of personnel policy, in the worst case scenario, can lead to the complete collapse of the most promising business. A significant number of scientific works are devoted to this problem, only to re-read which will take more than one day. This material contains the quintessence of the most important points.

Step 1
A typical mistake of personnel changes in the company is the prejudice of the head that, on the basis of his own subjective assessment, he is able to identify the most valuable personnel for the company. The fallacy of this approach lies in the fact that the manager in this case evaluates not the real significance of the employee, but how he treats him, which are completely different categories. To determine various aspects of an employee's professionalism, there are a significant number of tests, which must be selected based on the profile of the company. However, the professional's subjective self-assessment test can be considered the most effective and low-cost.
Step 2
The active rotation of personnel also cannot be considered the optimal solution for a serious company. Frequent changes in the composition of departments and services among employees create uncertainty about their own future, which acts as a factor in demotivating staff. It is advisable to identify the need for personnel rotation, taking into account the results of a particular department. It is possible to assess the effectiveness of the department's activities on the basis of economic indicators, and if such an assessment is impossible, using psychological testing methods developed for a particular department, based on the type of its activity. This is done by specialized coaching centers to help the leader.
Step 3
Before deciding on the need for personnel changes, it is advisable for a manager to assess the degree of employee motivation. The need for this is due to the fact that no changes and rearrangements, in the absence of sufficient material interest from the staff, will not be able to bring positive results. In addition, the company's image can be undermined due to the fact that in the mind of the employee, high turnover characterizes the company as unstable. Accordingly, a person considers employment in such a company as a temporary measure. This means that, without giving the company all his strength and skills, the employee will simultaneously look for a more stable company, which will further increase staff turnover. It is necessary to motivate employees based on the results of their activities, for example, of an employee of the sales department - based on an increase in the share of the bonus from the sales growth rate. Employees whose work cannot be expressed in financial results should be stimulated based on their creativity and productivity in the results to be measured.