Any cash register has a fiscal memory, which enables it to work in real time, stamping on the receipts a specific date and time of the sale of goods. But in spite of everything, not a single mechanism, unfortunately, is immune from failure, and the cash register is no exception. If the device indicates the wrong time, you can solve the problem yourself in most cases.

Step 1
To begin with, it should be noted that regardless of the model of the cash register used, if the date fails, the first thing to do is to remove the Z-report, and then make the settings.
Step 2
Take the AMC cash register on which the date is out of order. Turn on the device and make sure that it works. Check if the device is actually displaying incorrect information on the receipt. To do this, punch a test check and view the date and time on it.
Step 3
Check that the cash register is in working mode, and zeros are highlighted on its dial. Start making changes to the information displayed on the check. Start sequentially pressing the keys "КР" and "1Д", which are located on the cash register.
Step 4
Enter the required date using the numeric keys in the format DD. MM. YY. Press the "BB" and "KR" keys in sequence.
Step 5
Proceed to setting the time. Press the "KP" and "2B" keys alternately. Enter the required time using the number keys. Press the "BB" and "KP" keys in sequence.
Step 6
Check the cash register again by punching another check on it, making sure that the date and time are in real time and fully meet your requirements.