The procedure for paying allowances is established by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation. As a rule, the amount of allowances is determined by the collective agreement, which is drawn up with the participation of the trade union. The amount of remuneration for length of service is added to the salary on the basis of a work book or other duly executed documents.

- - Letter of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of January 15, 2008 N 162-AS;
- - collective agreement;
- - work book of the employee;
- - staffing table;
- - calculator;
- - production calendar;
- - timesheet.
Step 1
Draw up a collective agreement or other internal organization document that is a local regulation. Write down the conditions for the payment of allowances in it. Use the letter of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, which determines the procedure for calculating such remuneration. If your company has a union organization, negotiate the text of the agreement with the person who leads the union.
Step 2
Set the amount of allowances depending on the length of service. This can be a percentage of salary or a fixed amount. The proof of the length of service is the employee's work book, military ID, certificates certified with a blue seal and signed by the person in charge. The number of years of service for which the premium is due is established by a special commission. Include a director, chief accountant, head of human resources and other personnel involved in personnel accounting.
Step 3
Draw up a protocol. Enter the employee benefits for years of service. Indicate the number of years for which the premium is due. Depending on the number of years of experience, the percentage may vary. Confirm the protocol with the signature of the chairman of the commission. As a rule, this is the director of the company. Verify the document with the signatures of each member of the commission to determine the percentage of the premium.
Step 4
For employees eligible for a seniority bonus, add the specified percentage of accrued wages to the calculated monthly remuneration. For time wages, calculate your monthly earnings by multiplying your average daily earnings by the number of days worked. In the case of piecework, calculate wages by multiplying the tariff rate by the number of products and parts produced.
Step 5
If the requirements of the legislation are not met, personnel workers can be brought to justice. In the event of a complaint filed by an employee for whom the amount of the premium has not been recalculated, the labor dispute is considered by law to a higher authority.