Find a job to your liking, and you will never have to work - said Confucius. But in addition to the immediate responsibilities and the level of salary, there are many nuances that should be clarified at the interview stage.

Most applicants are primarily interested in social guarantees, namely, the social package. This is not surprising, since the social package provides medical care, payments to the pension fund. The social package is provided in case of official employment and is a guarantee of legal protection in the event of an industrial conflict. In the conditions of a planned economy, there was no other way of relations between the employer and the employee. But in a market economy, official employment is not necessary; other types of social and labor relations, for example, civil law, are also possible. Therefore, social guarantees are the first thing that interests the applicant when applying for a job.
Working conditions
Democratic transformations of society are reflected in the relationship between the employee and the employer. So, in addition to the salary of the applicant, they are also interested in working conditions, and the mandatory minimum of compliance with safety regulations and workplace organization is no longer discussed. The question is raised about the organization of a place of rest, the possibility of comfortable pauses in the process of performing professional activities. The presence of a rest room, a microwave oven, the ability to warm up food, make a tea or coffee break are questions that are of interest to many when applying for a job.
One of the questions of interest to the applicant is the issue of a free schedule - the possibility of being late due to personal circumstances, leaving the workplace ahead of time, during the working day to go to the doctor, to an educational institution to see a child, to resolve other force majeure situations of a personal nature …
The free schedule question for some job seekers takes extended forms. For some categories of activity, the presence of a workplace in the office is not essential, and only the desire of managers to contemplate the employee throughout the working day prevents the implementation of professional activities in remote access. Therefore, the question of the priority of the result over labor discipline for many is of decisive importance, especially if the employee practices freelancing.
The adequacy of leadership and the psychological climate in the team is an important factor, neglect of which when applying for a job can cause production and personal problems. In some organizations, an authoritarian leadership method is practiced, which is not to everyone's liking. Unpaid overtime, the possibility of calling an employee at any time of the day or night, problems with sick leave - all this takes place in private organizations, so these issues need to be covered even at the interview stage.