People most often display the properties of different types of temperament, but one of them predominates. Each type of mental warehouse has its own areas of activity that will help you to express yourself in the best way and become successful by doing what you love.

Psychologists distinguish 4 types of temperament, which is an innate personality trait and depends on the work of the nervous system. Representatives of each of them differ in the speed of the course of mental and physical reactions, the way of expressing emotions and the need to communicate with others. It is difficult to change these qualities, so it is advisable to choose a profession that suits the type of temperament and does not require daily efforts to overcome oneself.
Personality features
Choleric people are gambling, not afraid of difficulties and risks, prefer an active lifestyle. They are energetic but can overestimate their abilities. They do not hide their emotions, they are open in communication, their impulsivity can manifest itself in an aggressive form.
These people need constant communication, usually they have many acquaintances and friends, but relations with them are superficial, there are few real friends. Choleric people easily become the soul of the company. Their speech is temperamental and expressive, accompanied by facial expressions and gestures.
Monotonous activity is not suitable for choleric people, they constantly strive for new horizons, it is quite difficult for them to sit in one place for a long time. Decisions are made quickly, but they may regret a hasty step and change their mind.
Suitable professions
The sociability of choleric people will be in demand in those areas where it is necessary to devote a lot of time to communication, the ability to establish contacts with people and actively interact with them is important. Periodic change of environment for them is preferable to monotonous work. They make good leaders who generate new ideas and move them forward. They easily endure periodic stress.
There are many choleric people among successful entrepreneurs. All professions associated with the need for daily communication with a wide range of people will be suitable for them. Reporter and TV presenter, salesman and advertising agent, designer and guide - all of them will not let the active choleric get bored. Suitable professions are also - builder, dispatcher, investigator, geologist, diplomat, artist.
For this type of temperament, professions with a free schedule or participation in various projects are more suitable, where the effectiveness of his work is assessed by the results achieved, and not by the number of hours spent in the office. Having completed one task with enthusiasm, he will gladly take on an interesting new business.
A choleric person will have more chances to make a career and do what he loves in any profession where it is required to communicate a lot with people. Performing monotonous work with equipment, documents, requiring perseverance and attention will be difficult. The need to restrain your active temperament and energy will lead to increased fatigue.