Social work is not the easiest profession, and not the highest paid, and it is not suitable for everyone. However, social workers will always be needed by the community.

Social work is an activity aimed at helping individuals or entire social groups. Such work can be aimed at protecting, rehabilitating or supporting people in difficult life situations.
Those people who want to choose social work as their main profession (and therefore associate a significant part of their daily life with it) should remember that this work is not only difficult, but also often thankless. Alas, the current realities are such that social workers are valued by the state, to put it mildly, low, and, frankly, you will not earn much. In a word, such work will not be up to everyone, especially if you do not live alone, but are forced to support your family.
Also, think about the fact that social workers have to deal with a wide variety of groups of people: orphans and children from disadvantaged families, the homeless, the frail elderly, the seriously ill, the disabled, refugees, ex-criminals. And not all of these people will be grateful for what you will do.
Also, in the course of work, you will have to face the performance of not the most pleasant duties. For example, if you look after deep old people or bedridden invalids, you will need to wash and change their clothes, spoon-feed them, give medicine without breaking the schedule, clean up their homes and do everything for them that they themselves do. no longer able to.
If you work with dysfunctional and former criminals, you will need to constantly take precautions and think about your safety, because the reaction of such people to any of your words or actions can be completely unpredictable.
When working with infectious patients (for example, with "tuberculosis patients"), you will constantly need to think about how to be careful in everything and not catch any disease yourself, and not only from your ward, but also from other patients in this hospital.
Nevertheless, despite all the difficulties, remember that the profession of a social worker is one of the most needed in society, and by choosing it, you will be of great benefit to society. And those sincere words of gratitude that you will receive from your wards (even if not everyone will thank you) will be dearer to you than any money earned.