Choosing a future profession is a rather complicated process. Here it is necessary to take into account many factors, since, having made a mistake in the direction of activity, a person risks not realizing himself in life and not reaching the desired heights.

First of all, you should carefully consider which field of activity is most attractive for a future specialist. It is worth taking into account the preferred lifestyle and level of potential wages, as well as the inclinations and developed abilities and skills.
Nuances of defining a future specialty
Career guidance tests help many. They represent an expression of one's own position on a particular statement, which in the aggregate gives a result regarding individual recommendations for choosing a profession. Psychologists help interpret test results and draw correct conclusions.
Among other things, it makes sense to monitor the labor market. This information is important for understanding the relevance of the future specialty. It is necessary to draw up a kind of rating of the required professions today, on the basis of which to identify areas that will become popular at the time of graduation from a higher educational institution. Journalistic reviews and studies by employment services that are posted in the media will facilitate this process.
The main motives for choosing a profession include the prestige of the specialty, the desire to earn good and stable income, and a direct interest in the inner content of the work. Often, young people are greatly influenced by their parents and environment, who adjust their choice of profession due to their own convictions. This is not entirely correct, since in this case there is a satisfaction of their ambitions at the expense of the younger generation.
What determines the size of the salary at the beginning of a career
Choosing, for example, the profession of an economist, it should be understood that at first, wages will be at the bottom. However, with the accumulation of experience, income will grow in direct proportion to the length of service and work efficiency. Few positions that do not require work experience will be immediately offered a high salary.
If you want to connect your life with the restaurant business, you will also have to start from the very first steps: waiters, initial managers, bartenders. Only by showing diligence and the ability to efficiently perform official duties, you can move forward.
It is recommended to start choosing a profession from the tenth grade. It is at this time that you can enroll in preparatory courses at a university that is close in spirit. Even within 2-3 months, the applicant is able to understand whether the chosen direction suits him. To do this, you should talk to the teaching staff, which gives knowledge in the courses, look through the statistics of employment of graduates of this educational institution.