Are you wondering how you can start receiving your pension before the generally accepted retirement age? Let's try to figure out for which categories of citizens this is possible.

Step 1
The right to receive a pension before reaching the generally established retirement age is, for example, - men at 50 years of age with insurance experience of at least 20 years, of which at least 10 years is experience with harmful working conditions according to List No. 1, for women the age is 45 years, insurance experience is at least 15 years, including at least seven and a half years with harmful conditions according to List No. 1. - women who have given birth to five or more children who have reached the age of eight. In this case, the pension is assigned from the age of 50, if there is 15 years of insurance experience.
- workers - gas electric welders, but only if there are documents that will confirm their employment in this area, just one entry in the work book will not be enough for this.
- one of the parents of a disabled person from childhood who has reached the age of eight, men - 55 years old with insurance experience of at least 20 years, women - 50 years with insurance experience of at least 15 years.
- men and women who have not reached the generally accepted retirement age and have experience of 25 and 20 years, respectively, who were dismissed due to the liquidation of the organization or the reduction of staff, by their consent, a pension can be assigned before the onset of retirement age, but not earlier than 2 years before it occurs.
Step 2
To apply for an early retirement pension due to hazardous working conditions (special), contact the Pension Fund Office at the place of residence 1 month before reaching retirement age.
Step 3
Write an application for the appointment of a pension.
Step 4
Provide the client service specialist with a passport, SNILS, work book, a certificate of salary for any 5 years (60 months) in a row until 2000. Additional birth certificates for all children for women, military ID for men.
Step 5
Within 10 days, the application will be considered (the right to a pension is assessed, as a rule, immediately at the reception) and you will be assigned a pension, taking into account your wages. length of service and insurance premiums since 2000.