To apply for a pension, citizens can independently apply to the Pension Fund (abbreviated PF). But many companies, in order not to distract employees from the production process, prepare all the documents themselves and submit them to the appropriate structures. This is usually done by a personnel officer and an accountant.

Passport, work book, insurance certificate of the pension fund, military ID, certificate of salary, for disabled people - certificate of disability, power of attorney from the company for the employee who is engaged in the registration of the pension
Step 1
It is necessary to collect all the documents. Their full list is written out in the joint decree of 02.27.02 of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 16 and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation No. 19pa. An employee who is preparing to retire must fill out a pension assignment form. The form of this application is issued at the territorial office of the Pension Fund.
Step 2
The work book may not be provided if you show a copy of it certified by a notary. Since specialists of the Pension Fund often require additional documents, it is advisable to clarify everything in advance. All benefits claimed by the employee must be documented.
Step 3
Submit all documents to the territorial office of the Pension Fund at the employee's place of residence. The documents must be taken in advance, before the onset of retirement age. Otherwise, the pension will be calculated not from the day of the onset of retirement age, but from the day of filing an application for retirement.
Step 4
Within 10 days from the date of receipt from the employee of the application for the appointment of a pension, provide all individual information about the employee in the PF in the form SZV-4-2, together with them, an ADV-6-1 inventory, a statement of payment of contributions ADV-11 and an explanatory note are submitted. All forms must be completed from the beginning of the year to the day of retirement age.
Step 5
The insurance experience is calculated by the state as of the date of their completion. It includes not only the period of work at various enterprises, but also military service, caring for a child up to three years old, the time of receiving unemployment benefits, participation in paid public works, caring for a disabled person of the 1st group or a person who has stepped over 80 years of age. … These periods are called non-insurance periods.
Step 6
Register an employee for retirement. If an employee wants to retire, he is dismissed from the day indicated by him in the application. He is not obliged to work off the two weeks due upon dismissal. If an employee wishes to continue working, he cannot be fired. Also, you cannot reissue an open-ended employment contract for a fixed-term one.