Each employee, drawn up in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, has the right to be dismissed at his own request. At the same time, a person is still obliged to work for some more time at the direction of his superiors and transfer his duties to another person. In this regard, some workers are interested in how to quit their jobs one day.

Step 1
Remember that, according to the law, you are obliged to work another 14 days if your superiors insist on it. During this time, the employer must find a replacement for you, and you, in turn, must transfer your job responsibilities to another person or to a new employee. Try talking to management and explaining the reason why you need to leave your job right away. If you have a good relationship with your boss, he may meet halfway and not leave you to work. Also try to speed up the search for your replacement - submit an application, recommend to the management of acquaintances who are looking for work, agree with colleagues to temporarily transfer your duties to them, etc.
Step 2
Take advantage of some of the tricks that the legislation provides if the authorities do not want to let you go ahead of time. Immediately after submitting your application, leave for sick leave, and then you can not appear at work for the time you need. In this case, these days will still be considered "spent". Alternatively, write an application for another vacation or at your own expense. However, in this case, the date of dismissal should be the first working day after the end of the vacation.
Step 3
Refer to other amendments to the labor law, providing for the opportunity not to stay at work for an extra two weeks. Think about whether all the conditions of the employment contract were respected by your superiors during your work. For example, in case of delay in payment, violation of labor regulations, etc. you have the right to write a letter of resignation indicating these reasons. In this case, you can leave your job on the day of your dismissal if management considers your complaints to be justified.
Step 4
Try to give up two weeks of work due to an emergency, such as an urgent move to another city, illness of a relative, admission to school, or retirement. The management can go to a meeting and get together with you under certain conditions.