In order to adopt a child, it is not necessary to be infertile or in a registered marriage. It does not matter whether a married couple has their own children or not. To draw up documents for adoption, you need to familiarize yourself with the exhaustive list formulated by the legislator.

A child can be adopted by a married couple or one person. The law does not limit the rights of people in the absence of a second half. The completed documents must be submitted for consideration to the guardianship and guardianship authorities at the place of residence. In the same place, you must write a statement, which contains a request to give an opinion on the possibility of being adoptive parents.
You need to prepare a short autobiography, which is not submitted to the court. Here, reflect as accurately as possible the most important moments of your life path: indicate when and where you studied, were in a barge and got divorced, where and how much you worked, what positions you held. One or two pages of printed text should be sufficient.
When adopting a child, you will also need the written consent of the other spouse or a document confirming that you have terminated family relations and have not lived together for more than 12 months (divorce certificate or a copy thereof).
You also need to bring a certificate from the place of work, where you need to indicate the position held and the amount of salary. Your income should not be below the subsistence level. Take a copy of your financial personal account and an extract from the house book from the place of residence. Prepare a certificate of state registration of ownership of housing in advance.
You will also need a police clearance certificate. The procedure may take about 45 days, depending on the region of your residence. To obtain a document, contact the local police inspector at your place of residence for help, or the investigative committee with an application for such a paper.
The medical report is a certificate issued in the form No. 164 / u-96. The procedure must be completed at the place of permanent registration, this is due to the fact that dispensaries and a polyclinic must be state institutions. The certificate must be certified by the round "official" seal of the institution. The impression is usually held by the manager or chief physician. The document is valid for 90 days from the date of its receipt. For the results of fluorographic examination, a longer period is set - 6 months.
Prepare a copy of the marriage certificate (if it is in such a legal relationship), a passport or other identity document (for example, a driver's license, birth certificate, military ID, etc.).
Having received the necessary list of papers, the guardianship and trusteeship authority draws up an act based on the results of an examination of the living conditions of persons wishing to adopt a child and prepares an opinion on their possibility to be adoptive parents. The list of documents is mandatory, it is not subject to changes and additions and is provided in duplicate.