Is It Possible To Marry A Sister In Russia

Is It Possible To Marry A Sister In Russia
Is It Possible To Marry A Sister In Russia

The question of whether it is possible to officially marry a sister is of interest to many. Someone asks it just out of curiosity, while someone really wants to tie the knot with a close relative. Is this possible in Russia?

Is it possible to marry a sister in Russia
Is it possible to marry a sister in Russia

With a native - you can not

It is categorically impossible if a sister is a daughter of the same parents; consanguineous - the father is one, but the mothers are different; single uterine - born by a mother from another father. In all these cases, as well as in the case of an alleged marriage to a mother, grandmother, daughter, granddaughter and adopted daughter or adoptive mother, marriage is prohibited. According to article 14 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, which clearly states that marriage between relatives is prohibited. And all of the above categories are related to close relatives. Such a marriage will simply not be registered. And if in any way it is possible to register a marriage with a sibling or half-sister, it will be declared invalid in court.

With a cousin - you can

As for the cousin, second cousin and further, this degree of kinship will not become an obstacle for marriage. Only close kinship is a legal obstacle. They can also register a marriage with a half-sister without any problems. The children of the spouses from previous marriages are considered to be consolidated. Since they do not have a common father and mother, they are not close relatives. Marriage between an adopted child and an adoptive parent (adoptive parent) is prohibited because, after the adoption procedure, they are legally equal to blood relatives.

Relationship to marriage between relatives

Today, consanguineous marriages are frowned upon not only by the state, but in virtually all religions. The Russian Orthodox Church, for example, categorically prohibits marriage between not only close blood relatives, but also blood relatives up to the fourth degree. That is, you cannot even get married with a second cousin.

Meanwhile, the tradition of marriages between close relatives in the past was widespread, especially in ruling families. This was done for the sake of preserving power and "purity of blood", but only for the families of rulers of states, and not for the common people.


Speaking of blood. Incest, which occurs when close relatives marry and live a full married life, is fraught with serious genetic disorders in the child. This can be due to the similarity of the genetic material. Not one hundred percent, but the more likely it is, the closer the relationship is.

However, according to recent studies, the occurrence of children with genetic abnormalities in second cousins is only 3% higher than in unrelated couples.

Anyone who nevertheless seriously decided to marry a sister and have offspring should prepare for overcoming public opinion, excommunication, non-recognition of marriage by the state, misunderstanding of friends and relatives, and visits to geneticists.
