If your sister has come to you for permanent residence, then by law you can register her in your apartment. However, a number of conditions must be taken into account, without which the registration of a sister at the place of residence may not take place.

Step 1
If you live in a non-privatized apartment or an apartment obtained under a social tenancy agreement, then you will first have to obtain written consent from all other members of your family registered in this living space. Verify your written consent with a notary.
Step 2
Calculate whether the apartment standards will be met if your sister is registered. If not, you may be denied permanent registration.
Step 3
If all conditions are met, submit the following documents to the EIRTs or to the local PVS office: - a receipt for payment of the state duty;
- passports (yours and sisters) and their certified copies;
- an extract from the house book, cadastral passport and apartment plan;
- departure sheet (issued to your sister at the PVS at the previous place of residence);
- written consent of your family members.
Step 4
If the PVS refused to permanently register your sister in your apartment, arguing that the landlord (if you own the apartment under a social tenancy agreement) is against (the city administration and EIRTs act as its private representative), and do not want to to give you a copy of the official refusal, go to court with a corresponding statement.
Step 5
You will have to go to court even after the official refusal is issued. Only now you will have to appeal against the refusal itself. In the event that the court decides in your favor, you will be able to register your sister in your apartment on the basis of this decision.
Step 6
If the apartment is privatized in your name, then there will be no problems with the registration of your sister on your living space, except for cases when the apartment is in shared ownership (the consent of all apartment owners will be required). After you receive written consent and certify them from a notary, you can apply to the PVS with an application and documents for registration.