In the process of economic activity, the heads of organizations may face a situation when the main employee is temporarily suspended from work for any reason. Of course, something needs to be done here, because someone has to fulfill official duties. I don't want to hire a new employee. In this case, combining positions can help. For example, the cashier went on vacation. The head assigns his duties to the accountant. All these actions must be formalized not only orally, but also on paper.

Step 1
First of all, you, as the head of the organization, must notify the employee of the assignment of duties. To do this, issue a notification. After familiarization, the employee must put his signature, which will mean his consent to the combination.
Step 2
Since it is impractical to draw up a second employment contract, draw up an additional agreement. Be sure to indicate in it the amount of the additional payment to the basic earnings, as well as the duration of this agreement. The wording of the conditions may be as follows: “For work in a position (indicate it), performed under this supplementary agreement, the employer undertakes to pay additional 10,000 (ten thousand) rubles per month to the basic earnings. The agreement comes into force from the moment of its signing by both parties and is valid for six months."
Step 3
In addition to the agreement, the employee must also sign local acts. For example, if financial responsibility is assigned to him, draw up an agreement on full individual financial responsibility (in relation to the cashier). You can also familiarize the employee with additional job responsibilities by signature.
Step 4
Issue an order to combine positions. Be sure to indicate your position and full name here. employee. Indicate that the combination of positions is carried out without increasing the duration of the working day. Enter the amount of the additional payment to the basic salary - it can be a fixed rate, or maybe a percentage of the basic salary. In the base, indicate the number and date of this supplementary agreement.
Step 5
Sign the order and give it to the employee for review. If he wishes to receive a copy, make a duplicate of the administrative document. Reassure him with the blue seal of the organization.