After a divorce, children most often stay with their mother, and it is on her that all the care of their upbringing falls. Fathers quite often take part in the upbringing of children only as alimony payers, but some of them do not even do this.

Step 1
Situations when ex-husbands do not pay alimony to spouses occur with everyone more and more often. Some men simply choose to hide from their ex-wives, not wanting to pay them money to support their own children. If such a situation happened to you, do not despair, you need to immediately contact the law enforcement agencies, namely the court.
Step 2
In the presence of bailiffs, you will need to write a statement that your ex-husband does not pay child support for his own children, and also provide evidence of this. Further, the bailiffs will begin to act themselves, namely, to look for the debtor, closing his accounts in credit institutions, and also banning him from leaving the country
Step 3
Nowadays, illegal employment is no surprise; many residents of Russia prefer to work unofficially and receive high wages. If your ex-husband works exactly according to this scheme, then officially he is unemployed, and the bailiffs will be able to sue him in your favor only property. In this case, the latter must be officially registered with your ex-spouse.
Step 4
If your ex-husband works officially, you can easily collect child support from him. The bailiffs will issue a decree according to which the required amount will be deducted from his salary on a monthly basis. In this case, all deductions will be carried out by the accounting department of the enterprise in which the ex-spouse works, and he will not be able to exert any influence on this process. However, some men go to the trick and agree with their management to reduce their official salary, and give the rest to their hands. Here, alas, nothing can be fixed.
Step 5
Failure to pay child support can lead your ex-spouse to the dock if he does not fulfill his duties in good faith. Before going to court, try to talk to your ex-husband, perhaps he will be able to understand that the maintenance of his own offspring is his direct responsibility, and then he will correct the situation.