Is It Possible To Deprive A Father Of Parental Rights If He Does Not Pay Child Support

Is It Possible To Deprive A Father Of Parental Rights If He Does Not Pay Child Support
Is It Possible To Deprive A Father Of Parental Rights If He Does Not Pay Child Support

Deprivation of parental rights is the most severe punishment for unscrupulous parents. By itself, full or untimely failure to pay alimony does not give full rights to deprivation. A large role is played by a set of actions on the part of the father, namely: providing for his child, participating in his development and upbringing.

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Photo from the photo stock

1. The father consciously does not want to participate in the upbringing and maintenance of his child

To deprive an ex-husband of parental rights, the court needs evidence, namely: a debt to pay alimony (proven by a relevant certificate issued by a bailiff), bringing to administrative or criminal liability. The father's evasion from maintenance and upbringing may consist in the fact that he is not interested in the child's health, does not participate in his upbringing, training, does not devote time to spending time together, does not provide the first necessary things and products. Simply put, it does not show its parental obligations in any way.

However, it should be taken into account that if the father proves his incapacity for work or incapacity in court, it will not work to deprive him of his parental rights, even if all of the above is not observed.

2. The father uses his parental rights with malicious intent against the child

Such motives include cases when the father does not consent to the hospitalization of the child (and the child needs it vitally). In legal practice, there are many cases when the father does not give permission for a blood transfusion or organ transplant due to religious reasons. You can also deprive of parental rights when the father prevents or completely prohibits the child from learning, developing, persuading him to engage in prostitution, to commit administrative or criminal acts, to use drugs (even by deception) and alcohol.

3. Abuse

The law states that both physical abuse (beatings, violent actions) and mental pressure (insults, threats, humiliation) are referred to as cruel treatment.

To deprive the father of parental rights for such reasons, it is necessary to confirm the violence with medical certificates, to undergo an examination.

4. If the father personally uses drugs / alcohol or has a proven dependence

There are several ways to prove that an ex-husband has a chronic addiction:

1) If he is registered with a narcologist

2) If not, collect as much evidence and testimony as possible to present it in court.

This list is not exhaustive, and if you want to deprive your father of parental rights only because of non-payment of alimony, there must be very good reasons (mercenary) for this. If the reason for non-payment still lies in intentional actions, collect all the necessary documents to prove this, and go to court. The law will be on your side.

In some cases, non-payment of alimony may be due to disability, poverty, illness.
