When an employee of an enterprise wants to combine two different positions in one organization, then such a work activity is called internal part-time. A separate employment contract should be concluded with such an employee, an order should be issued in the unified form T-1, information on the second position should be entered into a personal card, and only at the initiative of a specialist in a work book.

- - employee documents;
- - staffing table;
- - documents of the enterprise;
- - seal of the organization;
- - Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
- - rules for keeping work books;
- - the form of the order for employment;
- - personal employee card;
- - the form of a standard employment contract.
Step 1
An employee who wants to work in another position in the same organization (and it must be vacant) must write a statement addressed to the director of the enterprise about the possibility of working at a part-time job. After reviewing the document, the head should make a decision, endorse it in the form of a resolution on the statement.
Step 2
Conclude a new employment contract with a specialist, which should spell out the rights and obligations of the parties. It should be borne in mind that part-time work has a number of features. An employee has the right to work in such a position no more than sixteen hours a week. The monthly payment to a part-time worker is calculated in accordance with the actual hours worked, but his salary should be no more than fifty percent of the earnings for this profession, prescribed in the staffing table operating at the enterprise. Certify the contract with the employee with the signature of the first person of the organization or another authorized person, the seal of the enterprise, the signature of the employee, who is registered concurrently.
Step 3
In the order form according to the T-1 form, approved by the Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia No. 1 dated 2004-05-01, indicate the full name of your organization, the document number, the date of its preparation. Enter the employee's personnel number (if any), his personal data in accordance with the passport, military ID or driver's license. In accordance with the employment contract, indicate the name of the position for which the part-time job was accepted, of the structural unit. Enter the amount of his remuneration. Write in the column for the nature of the work - part-time. Certify the order of employment with the signature of the director of the company, the seal of the organization. Read the employee's document. He should be personally signed and dated.
Step 4
There is no need to start a new personal card for internal part-time jobs. In the already drawn up personal file of the employee, enter information about this position. If he takes the initiative to make an entry about such work in the work book, do it in accordance with the labor legislation and the rules for keeping work books.