The Ministry of Internal Affairs or the Ministry of Internal Affairs (official abbreviated name) is a law enforcement body of state power, created to ensure the safety of individuals and society, fight crime, and protect civil rights and freedoms.

Step 1
For a long time, service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs was regulated by the Law "On Police" and, accordingly, the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were police officers. According to the new Law "On Police", adopted in February 2011 and entered into force on March 1, police officers who have undergone an extraordinary re-certification will continue to serve in the police. Based on the tasks entrusted to the internal affairs bodies, the service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs provides that internal affairs officers have additional rights and responsibilities in comparison with ordinary citizens. In this regard, not everyone who wants to serve in the Ministry of Internal Affairs can be recruited. The regulation on service in the internal affairs bodies provides for the following requirements for persons wishing to serve in the police (police): citizenship of the Russian Federation, full legal capacity, no criminal record, not older than 35 and not younger than 18 years old. In addition, the personal, business and moral qualities of the candidate are taken into account.
Step 2
If you want to serve in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, first write an application for consideration of your documents, fill out a questionnaire, write an autobiography and submit to the personnel department. Also provide your passport, educational documents, work record book (if any) and military ID. Application forms, questionnaires and requirements for writing an autobiography are given in the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 386 of May 19, 2009.
Step 3
If at this stage there are no obstacles to your desire to serve in the police (police), then, in accordance with the issued direction, go through the military medical commission, which will determine whether you are able to serve in the Ministry of Internal Affairs for health reasons, and also simultaneously undergo testing in the psychophysiological center diagnostics for professional suitability.
Step 4
At the next stage, take the standards for physical fitness. In addition, be prepared for the fact that in relation to candidates the information specified in the questionnaire and autobiography, as well as a check on the place of residence of relations with neighbors and in the family, is carried out to establish personal and moral qualities. Therefore, do not hide anything and answer your questions truthfully. When all checks have been successfully passed, sign the service contract, take the oath and serve the Law!