Service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs is a very prestigious area today. Serving in the police is honorable, but not accessible to everyone. If only because the selection criterion for recruitment is very high. It is difficult to get a job in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but it is possible.

Step 1
Naturally, good physical fitness is required to serve in the internal affairs bodies, so do physical exercise every day, regularly visit doctors for prevention. In general, follow a healthy lifestyle.
Step 2
Before getting a job in the police, be sure to serve in the army. Today it is one of the most necessary conditions for serving in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
Step 3
So, now go to the district department of internal affairs where there are vacancies and apply. Your application will be reviewed and given a referral for a medical examination at your place of residence.
Step 4
After passing the medical commission, go to the personnel department of the Internal Affairs Directorate, where you get a job and receive a referral to pass the military medical commission.
Step 5
Collect the testimonial from the place of residence, where the neighbors must sign.
Step 6
Find your district police officer to write a household check report that reflects the conversation with your neighbors.
Step 7
Also, the human resources department will check your criminal records and bring you to administrative responsibility.
Step 8
After all the procedures are completed, you will be arranged as an intern with a trial period for 6 months and assigned a mentor to you.
Step 9
If during your service as a trainee you prove yourself on the positive side, then the trainee period can be reduced to 3 months. To do this, the mentor will have to write a petition to reduce the time of the internship.
Step 10
After that, wait for the order on your appointment to the position and on the assignment of the initial rank.