How To Tighten Divorce

How To Tighten Divorce
How To Tighten Divorce

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Divorce proceedings are always unpleasant and sometimes undesirable for one of the spouses. When both husband and wife agree to a divorce and even agree on the division of property and rights to the child, the separation will not be long. But in the event that one spouse is against divorce, he may try to delay it using several simple methods.

How to tighten divorce
How to tighten divorce


a document confirming your inability to appear in court for divorce proceedings


Step 1

Submit to the court that deals with your divorce proceedings a certificate stating that it is on the appointed date of the court hearing that you will go to the hospital for a complex operation. If, for health reasons, you have not been assigned any operations, you can try to go to the hospital for the purpose of general recovery.

Step 2

Submit your travel certificate to the court, which will indicate the dates of your absence from the city where the court hearing is taking place. Very often, a travel certificate is replaced with an expensive travel voucher. It is only always worth remembering that a long business trip or a long trip can cause a divorce to happen without your presence. In other words, the judge has the right to divorce the spouses if one of them does not appear at 2 or more court sessions.

Step 3

Don't go to court, don't answer subpoenas, ignore any talk of court hearings. This will help to delay the divorce proceedings. But again, after several failures to appear in court, you will be divorced without your direct presence in the courtroom. In addition, with the persistent requests of the plaintiff (that is, the spouse who wishes to divorce), the marriage can be declared terminated already at the second court session. And if the plaintiff is your wife, who has already found herself a gentleman and is even expecting a child from him, she will receive a divorce in the very near future!

Step 4

Ask the judge in charge of your divorce proceedings for the maximum time limit for reconciliation with your spouse. As a rule, the period for reconciliation is three months. However, if there are compelling reasons, for example, the desire of one of the spouses to preserve the marriage for the sake of a newborn child, this period may be increased. Some couples are waiting for divorce for six months or more.
