How To Write A Statement Of Non-payment Of Alimony

How To Write A Statement Of Non-payment Of Alimony
How To Write A Statement Of Non-payment Of Alimony

A statement of non-payment of alimony should be written to the name of the bailiff, with the obligatory sending of a copy to the head of the corresponding department of the bailiff service. The statement should clearly state the factual circumstances, focusing on the specific dates on which the payment of alimony was stopped, the total amount of the payer's debt.

How to write a statement of non-payment of alimony
How to write a statement of non-payment of alimony

A statement of non-payment of alimony is written in the event that the payer stops transferring the corresponding payments or does not contribute funds in full. This appeal is written to the department of the bailiff service at the place of residence of the debtor. Usually, alimony is paid on the basis of a court decision or a notarial agreement of the parents, which has the force of an enforcement document. That is why, in case of non-payment of the corresponding amounts, a repeated appeal to the court is not required, it is enough to turn to the bailiffs with a request to take measures to resume the payment of alimony, to pay off the resulting debt.

What are the requirements for the application form?

There are no strict requirements for the application form for non-payment of alimony; its content is also determined by the applicant depending on the specific circumstances of the case. The address part of the application indicates the specific department of the bailiff service, its location, the names of the officials to whom the appeal is addressed. If the enforcement proceedings against the debtor were previously initiated, it is recommended to send a statement in two copies: to the head of the relevant department and to the bailiff himself, who deals with this case. If the proceedings were not initiated earlier, one should confine ourselves to one application addressed to the head of the department. After the address part, the essence of the application is stated, the date is indicated at the end of the document, the personal signature of the applicant is put.

What does the alimony non-payment statement contain?

If earlier enforcement proceedings were not initiated against the debtor, the application should definitely ask for the initiation of enforcement proceedings, since all enforcement actions are taken only after this action. In this case, an agreement on the payment of alimony or a writ of execution should be attached to the application. In addition, you should indicate the non-payment of alimony by the debtor, the date of termination of payments (if they were previously made), the total amount of debt at the time of filing the application. It is also necessary to ask for enforcement actions aimed at repaying the debt (tracing and compulsory bringing of the payer, sending executive documents to his employer, to credit organizations, seizing property, restricting travel outside the Russian Federation and others).
