How to find a job as a speech therapist at school, where to start and where to look for it?
Before you start your search, you need to understand for yourself what the specifics of the work of a school speech therapist are.

The specifics of the work of a speech therapist at school and in preschool educational institutions is very different. After all, the work of a school speech therapist is to correct not only oral speech, but also oral pronunciation. In addition, a speech therapist at school is engaged in the development of written speech.
Training program
Due to the wide range of responsibilities of a speech therapist, it is worth starting with the fact that you need to work out your program for working with children. It should be clear and understandable. Your program should be designed in such a way that the choice of employer fell on you at the interview. The employer is interested not only in the benefits brought to children, but also in the benefits received for the entire educational institution.
Pay attention to the points that will bring the school the most popularity when working with you as a speech therapist. After all, any achievements of the school reflect the work of the director himself.
Consider the tools with which you will conduct the sessions, as well as the outline of the sessions. The lesson plan, for convenience, must be outlined immediately.
Drawing up and posting a resume
When the program is ready, you can proceed directly to the job search. Start by writing a resume. In it, state your work experience, your personal achievements and do not forget to mention the merits of working with you. You can post your resume on job search sites, as well as on electronic portals created specifically for speech therapists.
You can also go to the nearby schools for exploration and inquire about the availability of the vacancy you are interested in.
Take the initiative and search for jobs yourself on sites on the Internet. For the vacancies you like, send a response with your resume and cover letter. In your cover letter, very briefly state the advantages of your candidacy and your contact information.
In the interview, be prepared to demonstrate the process of engaging with your child.
Bring visual materials with you to work with, be it speech cards or other teaching tools.
Useful Tips
Be careful when writing the program and resume, as well as in oral conversation with the employer. After all, the work of a speech therapist consists in correct oral pronunciation and writing, and mistakes are not allowed here. An illiterate speech therapist cannot teach children anything, this is absolutely certain.
Most importantly, don't worry and answer all questions calmly.