In a protracted crisis, it is very important to feel confident in the labor market. This will allow you not only to stay in your position, but also to get a long-awaited promotion. Or find a more suitable place to work.

Step 1
To feel confident in the labor market, you need to be aware of all the new products. Study the latest computer programs, optimize the technological process using modern working methods, master the latest equipment. All this will help to keep up with progress and not sit for years in the same position.
Step 2
Post your resume on job search sites from time to time. Select this option so that the profile is not visible to everyone. Management doesn't need to know about the posted resume yet. Analyze how many calls were made, what requirements employers are making. Whether you have accumulated enough skills and abilities, or is it worth learning something else.
Step 3
Do not give up continuing education courses if management offers them. If not, try to improve your professionalism yourself. Gain knowledge from more experienced colleagues or specialists in other fields.
Step 4
Learn foreign languages. They are a plus when applying for a job in any professional field. English and Chinese are the most in demand right now. And knowledge of rare dialects - Norwegian, Finnish, Japanese, Arabic - has always been appreciated.
Step 5
If the salary does not match the number of duties performed, ask for an increase. Professionals who value themselves poorly will never be expensive in the eyes of management. If there is no long-awaited increase, feel free to change your place of work. This will help you move forward materially and morally.
Step 6
Don't let yourself come to work unkempt. If your job responsibilities include communicating with clients, a business suit is required. Jeans are acceptable only for people of creative professions, or specialists who provide internal turnover in the company. Formal, austere appearance, does not allow you to relax at work and commands respect in the eyes of colleagues and superiors.