The staffing table is a document that contains a list of structural divisions of the organization, staffing, job titles, as well as salaries and allowances. Such an organizational and administrative document is usually adopted on January 1 and approved by order of the head of the enterprise.

Step 1
The order on the development of the staffing table is drawn up and approved by the head of the organization. He also selects the person responsible for the execution of this organizational document. This can be a chief accountant, a personnel worker, an accountant and, accordingly, the manager himself. The order must indicate the person responsible for the development of the document. The order should contain information on the timing of the staffing, coordination of its content and approval. The text of the order may be different, for example, "I order: the head of the department, by January 15, 2011, to prepare and submit to the accounting department a proposal for the number of staff positions, for the amount of salaries and allowances in 2011".
Step 2
After that, the staffing table is drawn up according to the form No. T-3, which was approved by the State Statistics Committee No. 1 of 05.01.2004. Please note that abbreviations are not allowed when filling out the form. The name of the organization is filled in identically to the constituent documents. Also, do not forget to put down the schedule number. In the organizational and administrative document there is a column where it is necessary to enter the number of the approving order, the date of the order and the number of units in the state.
Step 3
After this document is drawn up, it is provided to the head of the organization, who, in turn, must read and approve it by order. The text of the order is arbitrary. For example, "I order: to approve the staffing table of January 1, 2011 No. 3 with a staffing of 18 (eighteen) units with a monthly payroll of 156789 (one hundred fifty six thousand seven hundred eighty nine) rubles."