The wages for one day of work have to be calculated to pay for the next vacation, maternity leave, sick leave benefits or when the time is not fully worked in a month. For each type of calculation, a certain amount is taken. Based on it, the average daily wage is determined.

Step 1
To calculate the sick leave benefit and the amount of maternity leave, it is necessary to calculate the average salary for one day of work based on earnings for 24 months. The total amount of cash does not include payments for social benefits for a given period of estimated time. They take only the amounts from which the income tax was withheld and transferred. Cash bonuses and awards are included in the total estimated amount.
Step 2
Add all the money earned and divide by 730. This is the average wage for one day of work, from which social benefits are calculated.
Step 3
To calculate the average wage for one day of work, to pay money for the next vacation or compensation for unused vacation, the amount earned for the 12 months that were before the calculation period is taken. Amounts received from social benefits from which income tax was not deducted or transferred are not included in the calculation amount. All other received cash payments must be added and divided by 365. You will get the sum of the average salary for one day of work, which is taken into account when calculating payments for vacation days.
Step 4
If you need to calculate the average wage for one day of work to pay for the not fully worked month, the average amount for one day of work in this month is considered. To do this, divide the amount of salary by the number of working days in this calculated month, which are supposed to work according to the schedule. The sum of the average daily wages in this month will be obtained.