Music on the streets and in crossings is considered a special kind of activity. Russian folk art, professional classics and jazz are also played here. For some musicians this is just a hobby, while for others it is a serious source of income.

Is life a street musician difficult?
Street musicians live in their own special world. It is filled with specific traditions, legends, laws and idols. Someone plays musical instruments in the passage or on the street "for the soul." Accordingly, he goes out to the public once or twice a month. For some musicians, this type of activity is the main form of income.
The professional street performer has his own time and place to play. Most often, he starts working after five in the evening. Such a musician will surely have listeners, so he will not be left without earnings.
Police officers must be paid for "their" place on the street. They chase away negligent musicians and tell them about checks. Therefore, if you want to play, pay for a seat. As a rule, there is no fierce competition between musicians. A person either finds himself in the profession, or leaves this business.
Before starting to build his career, a musician needs to find a suitable place and take good musical instruments and acoustics with him. But that is not all. The performer must have good musical ability. A poorly performed song will not attract listeners, which means that there will be no income from such a game either.
What do street musicians earn?
Street performers prefer not to talk about their earnings. It is believed that they can earn up to three to four thousand rubles a week if they lure the audience with their game. But the game on the street is not very stable. Even the most talented musicians can lose money.
As a rule, beginner street performers can collect from 300 to 400 rubles for the evening of a good game. And that's if you're lucky. According to the story of one street musician who played in a small passage, he could earn from 200 to 250 rubles in five hours. However, not always so lucky, you can leave with 50 rubles.
The practice of playing in transitions helps to overcome the fear of the crowd. After all, this is how many famous Russian musicians began their careers. You play because your soul asks, at the same time you hone your skills. Moreover, you get the experience of playing in front of a wide audience, which is very important for a street musician. After a week of practice, people no longer worry about the people rushing by.
Each musician can choose to join the world of street performers or stay on the sidelines. Fortunately, you can always remain a listener. Or you can try yourself in a more serious matter.