Work and career
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
It is sometimes difficult even for a highly qualified specialist to find a good position. This usually happens in cases where not all possible resources for finding a job are involved. Instructions Step 1 Start your job search in your specialty by writing a resume
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
Almost everyone can get a legal education, it is important, after receiving a diploma, to get a job that meets the requirements and expectations of the specialist himself. For this, a resume is drawn up and sent to those organizations where there is a desire to work
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
Fishing is a truly exciting activity for connoisseurs. Most people do it solely for personal pleasure, carefully guarding the knowledge of the most fishy places to fish and the routes to them. But it is a sin not to make money from what you can earn
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
When looking for a good job, writing a resume is an important step. The purpose of this document is not only to convey information, but also to attract initial attention to the applicant. A well-written and beautifully designed resume will give a job seeker a good head start when choosing new employees by an employer
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
When you happen on the frequency of the selected radio station, catchy music mixed with funny stories of a resourceful DJ, it seems that the world of radio is full of positive and sparkling humor. How to become a part of this space, to contribute to the efficiency of the station, we will consider further
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The main difficulty in finding a job for full-time students is that they have to choose between free and part-time schedules. There is another option: to work in shifts or only at night, but in this case there is a great risk of not being in time for school
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Tariff category is an indicator of the employee's qualification level. The amount of remuneration is in direct proportion to the category assigned to him. This indicator is determined according to the tariff and qualification reference book, which contains a list of existing professions and types of work, as well as the category required to perform these works
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An article is not just any material, but a whole genre. It presents the author's analysis of social (or other kind) phenomena and processes, and a full-fledged article looks like a short retelling of scientific work: with a search for causes, effects, its conclusions and justifications
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
When an employee is hired for work, an employment contract is drawn up, which indicates the salary regulated by Article 135 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, and all the conditions of work and rest. Any changes in wages are documented in a clear sequence specified in the Labor Code
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A work book is an official document that confirms your work experience. It is important that it contains all the necessary records of admission and dismissal from work. If they were not made or the book was completely lost, then such records can be restored
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The position of a director (head of a direction, etc.) requires from a person not only professionalism and dedication, but also the ability to take everything upon himself at the right time. However, cadres are everything, so whether you are at least seven inches in your forehead, you cannot do without competent and dedicated assistants
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
A card with samples of signatures and seals is the main document for opening a bank account by an organization. The form of the card was approved by the Instruction of the Bank of Russia dated September 14, 2006 No. 28-I and it was assigned the OKUD code 0401026
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
When buying a ready-made business or preparing an investment project, one has to consider a number of indicators that reflect the economic efficiency of investments. One of the fundamentally important parameters of the project is the payback period, that is, the expected number of years that is required to fully reimburse investment costs
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The life of a business person is unthinkable without daily communications: telephone communication, work meetings, meetings, presentations. Of the many business contacts, negotiations are the most important component and driving force of modern business
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In the process of economic activity of organizations, some employers employ workers who do not have any professional skills and knowledge. Of course, in this case it is advisable to conclude apprenticeship agreements with them, thereby you arrange training or retraining of employees
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Selecting a tender for an organization is a very painstaking task, because there are many sources of information about tenders and auctions. At the same time, information about tenders is updated almost daily. Necessary - printed publications with information about tenders
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Sometimes, in the process of economic activity, some employers employ workers in temporary positions, for example, for seasonal work. This type of work came to Russia from the West, where more than seventy percent of the employees are temporary workers
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According to Art. 24 of the Law of Ukraine "On Holidays", partial replacement of vacation with monetary compensation is possible. In particular, this is allowed when an employee who has the right to leave is dismissed, he is transferred to another enterprise, at his own request (but only partially), upon death, etc
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
The word "work" is understood primarily as an activity that provides a person with a livelihood. In other words, he receives a material reward for it. Nevertheless, people are ready, in their free time, either free of charge or for a purely symbolic payment, to participate also in socially useful work aimed at helping those in need, improving courtyards and streets, landscaping, etc
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
A lawyer is a fairly common profession. Many people in Russia are trained in this particular business, since they consider this specialty prestigious. And there is more than enough work for lawyers now. Instructions Step 1 Depending on the specialization in jurisprudence, you can choose a place of work to your liking
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
If you have the desire and hard work, you can make money quickly in any situation and almost anywhere, be it real life or even the vastness of the Internet. Earnings in real life One of the types of quick money is the provision of personal services
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You should start your job search by posting your resume on Internet portals specializing in recruiting. You can post it by pre-registering on these sites. Instructions Step 1 Before submitting your resume to recruiting sites, make a list of them
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
Finding a good position is sometimes difficult even for a top-class professional. This is explained by the fact that not all possible means are used to find a suitable place of work. Instructions Step 1 Start your job search by writing a resume
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
In childhood, many boys and girls dream of becoming astronauts. They find this profession extremely romantic and interesting. Over time, childhood dreams are usually forgotten, and teenagers choose more mundane professions. However, some enthusiasts continue to clearly and confidently go towards their goal, but only a few become conquerors of space
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About 75% of Russian citizens dream of working abroad. And this is only according to official data. The first places in terms of attractiveness among job seekers are occupied by such countries as Great Britain, USA, Canada, Germany and Australia
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Oriflame is one of the largest cosmetics companies in Europe. Today it employs more than three million consultants for cosmetic products. They have not only a decent income, but also a career prospect, and they also make their dreams come true
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
Sometimes, in the process of economic activity of the organization, the employer uses the so-called call of the employee to work on weekends and non-working holidays. First of all, it is worth noting that when making this operation, the manager must charge the payment for overtime hours worked
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
Work experience - a set of periods of work or social activity of a person. Its calculation is carried out in the manner prescribed by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The length of service depends on the receipt of guarantees and compensations provided for by the current laws and decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
Due to the specifics of their profession, some employees of your company spend a lot of time on business trips? In this case, instead of permanently signing travel documents, it makes sense to formalize the nature of their work as traveling
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A professional photo shoot is a great way to capture the highlights of your life, replenish your family album and have a lot of fun in the process. But you have to pay for the pleasure. How much does a photo session cost? The cost of a small hour-long photo session on average falls within the range from one and a half to three thousand rubles
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
The accounting of goods and proceeds in the store is regulated by Federal Law No. 129, as well as the "Regulations on the maintenance of financial statements". Each company decides on its own how often the accounting of goods should be carried out, but it is worth noting that the minimum frequency is once every three months
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A statement of claim for eviction is a demand expressed in writing and addressed to the court to deprive a citizen of the right to use a living space, or to confiscate it from the owner. Eviction of a person is possible with the provision of alternative living space, or without it
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
When working with a customer, you should never forget that there is a living person in front of you. People are all different, everyone deserves an individual attitude and approach. Considering that there cannot be two identical sales, it is necessary to be able to understand people, the motives of their behavior and master the psychology of communication
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In Russia, the attitude to insurance agents is gradually changing, as to people who impose unnecessary services on anyone. Our country is gradually moving towards Western insurance standards, where almost every individual or company has a personal insurance agent
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To ensure the safety of employees in the performance of their official duties, employers are obliged to organize a labor protection service at the enterprise. If the number of employees is more than 50 people, then the position of a labor safety instructor should be introduced, if more than 700 - a department for labor protection should be created
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
Some managers, in the course of their business activities, send their employees on a business trip. As a rule, employees spend money on all sorts of needs - travel, accommodation, meals, etc. Of course, the expenses must be reimbursed, but for this, at the end of the trip, you must report to the accounting department
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
Sometimes leaders of organizations are forced to apply part-time work to their employees. According to the Labor Code, some categories of workers have the right to demand a reduction in the working day. These include: pregnant women, guardians (trustees) with a dependent child under 14 years old and other citizens
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Every manager must perfectly know all the ways to increase employee motivation. For some, verbal encouragement, pronounced alone or with the whole team, the issuance of certificates or written gratitude, works well, but many people are encouraged to improve the quality of their work only by material encouragement
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
An evacuation plan is essential in any institution, regardless of its profile. It indicates the path of leaving the building in case of fire from any room in it. The plan also contains the telephone numbers of emergency services. Instructions Step 1 The method of drawing a fire escape plan depends on how many copies it needs to be made
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
The coronavirus has made a difference in everyone's life. To prevent the spread of the virus, a decision was made on tough measures. Going outside for no reason is not allowed, and in order to be able to fulfill your professional duties, you will need a certificate of work in quarantine During the coronavirus pandemic, the question arises of where to get a certificate of work in quarantine