An article is not just any material, but a whole genre. It presents the author's analysis of social (or other kind) phenomena and processes, and a full-fledged article looks like a short retelling of scientific work: with a search for causes, effects, its conclusions and justifications. Therefore, how to end an article is a very specific question, not always fair for other materials.

Step 1
Emphasize the relevance of the topic. Of course, it is important to do this from the very beginning of work, but it will not be superfluous to repeat it in the conclusion. After all, being familiar with all the information, readers will be able to look at the problem in a slightly new way, penetrate it more deeply and feel it for themselves.
Step 2
Summarize your findings. To make the information more accessible and transparent for the reader, repeat the main thoughts that you wanted to convey with the article. The ideal would be to repeat all the work in a nutshell, but don't be overly explicit. It's a bad idea to start with "Now let's repeat the above", because it's just unprofessional. Try to imagine generalization as another part of your work, as some kind of final stage that draws the line and leads to the main conclusion (even if it was indicated earlier). This will leave a much more pleasant experience.
Step 3
End with a short story. Not that it was worth writing a fable in the spirit of Krylov, but some life example would be quite appropriate (of course, if he emphasizes the idea of the article). But when using this method to finish the article, try not to slip into everyday life. Examples about your neighbor Baba Nadya will be completely inappropriate, try to choose something more intellectual. The best option would be to remember the classics, who are known to everyone, and your article will not be awarded with down-to-earthness.
Step 4
Answer the questions. After the final conclusions, try to see the bewildering confusion that may arise upon reading. By answering them, you will surely guess someone's thoughts, and at the same time leave after reading a feeling of complete satisfaction and completeness. However, you should be careful not to delve into the material again and not to inflate the volume of the article. Then the effect will turn out to be the opposite and there will be a protraction.
Step 5
Express your opinion. This method is reliable, and most importantly, it is quite acceptable for this genre. It is difficult to advise something here (that's what the author's opinion is), but if you want to be well received, don't be too radical in your judgments. Do not try to speak with slogans and prove something - present your attitude to what is happening as another conclusion.
Step 6
Step away from the topic a little, insert something that is not the purpose of the work. For example, for an article on social change in Russia, an excellent conclusion would be to speculate about what such changes might lead to in the future. By placing such conclusions in conclusion, you leave yourself a prospect for further work in this area and, possibly, creating a series of articles. If you have the ability to track the reaction of the public in one way or another, then this will be a great way to test the waters.