In childhood, many boys and girls dream of becoming astronauts. They find this profession extremely romantic and interesting. Over time, childhood dreams are usually forgotten, and teenagers choose more mundane professions. However, some enthusiasts continue to clearly and confidently go towards their goal, but only a few become conquerors of space.

The main prerequisite for becoming an astronaut is perfect health. But even an absolutely healthy and physically resilient person does not always have a chance to pass a rigorous selection process. So, what are the main qualities a future astronaut should have? First, the cosmonaut selection centers accept questionnaires only from active pilots of military aviation who have flown at least 350 hours (and at least 160 times have made a parachute jump). In addition, there are strict age and physical limitations for future astronauts - the candidate must be no higher than 175 centimeters and weigh less than 75 kilograms. Applications are accepted from applicants from 27 to 30 years old.
Another quality necessary for space flights is an impeccable reputation: a complete absence of negative characteristics in a personal file, convictions, outbursts of aggression and any other manifestations of mental imbalance. Sometimes even increased attention to the opposite sex becomes a reason to refuse a candidate. If you think you meet all of the above criteria, you can try to become an astronaut and fulfill your dream. To do this, you must fill out a special questionnaire in one of the four cosmonaut selection centers (in Russia they are in Moscow, Khabarovsk, Vladivostok and Yekaterinburg). Here applicants will have to undergo a very strict medical examination and psychological testing procedure. Only a few lucky ones will be able to pass all the tests and become eligible for training at the cosmonaut training center.
The Star City, in which the training will take place, is located in the Moscow Region. Here the astronauts will live and undergo training for six years. The learning process is interesting, but at the same time quite difficult. Future cosmonauts will have to take many tests, exercise on simulators and centrifuges. Since space flights are associated with colossal overloads, the astronaut must be prepared for them. Only a person who is not afraid of overload or risk is capable of flying into space.