How To Find Your Dream Job In A Week

How To Find Your Dream Job In A Week
How To Find Your Dream Job In A Week

You are in your 30s and still haven’t decided what to become when you grow up. You rot in the office or at the factory, increase sales, buy new iPhones, but the longing for the unfulfilled is always with you. Do you want to fix the situation in a week?

How to Find Your Dream Job (Barbara Sher Test)
How to Find Your Dream Job (Barbara Sher Test)

Barbara Sher has developed introspection exercises, through which you will learn a lot about your life values and priorities. They will serve you as a compass and map in the world of chaotic desires and unfulfilled dreams, and it will be easier for you to understand how to find your dream job.

Task 1. Describe a perfect day. Start with the world's best awakening and detail your morning routines, daytime activities, evening activities, and bedtime. Fix everything that fills your soul with happiness.

Task 2. Make the largest wish list in the world. In your wishlist, write down not only the material values that you want to possess, but also the activities without which your life is not so beautiful. Guiding questions: What cases are you most interested in? What did you love to do in childhood and adolescence, until the harsh adult life forced you to put your hobby aside in a dark closet? What inspires you?

Task 3. Describe your ideal job. Imagine that your dream business has led you to the pinnacle of success. Every employer dreams of an employee like you. Come up with the perfect contract for yourself. Indicate in it everything that is important to you: working hours, working conditions, occupation, team, salary, business trips. It depends only on you whether it will be a position in a large corporation or a part-time job in a nearby coffee shop. It's up to you whether to be a zoo caretaker or a touring actor, start your own business, or work for a small, successful company.

Task 4. Think about the purpose. A person experiences the greatest satisfaction from the work done by helping others. That is why young people sign up for volunteers in various organizations and hold events for their own. If you like a selfish gaze, helping others is a pleasure for you. Think about how you are useful to the world and what you can give to others.

Task 5. Write down your favorite activities. The previous answers you wrote, relying solely on imagination. Now come back to earth and remember what you love to do, how you have fun here and now.

Task 6. Assess what you know and can do best. According to Barbara Sher, talents are hidden in every person. You may not guess about them or take them for granted. Are you a good organizer, good at dressing, fixing your computer, or talking to strangers? If you doubt yourself - ask for advice from relatives and colleagues.

Task 7. Analyze the information received. Reread everything you wrote down during the week and find coincidences between dreams, hobbies, aspirations, and skills. Anything that evokes a powerful emotional response is also worth noting in the notes.

how to find your dream job: advice from a psychologist
how to find your dream job: advice from a psychologist

To understand where and by whom to work, sort the collected data into categories:

  • Sphere (politics, education, medicine, trade);
  • The essence (what exactly to do in this area);
  • Conditions (how many hours, in what environment to work);
  • Qualities and skills (what you can do now).

And yet, where to find a dream job?

So now you know:

  • Who do you see yourself as;
  • What do you like to do;
  • How are they useful to the world;
  • What can you do.

All that remains is to monetize your talents. To do this, show the list to your friends and ask them to come up with suitable professions for a person with a similar temperament. Think about this question by imagining that this is not about you, but about a certain stranger.

From the resulting list of professions, select 3-5 that are most attractive to you, and then make step-by-step plans to obtain the desired results for each profession. See what exactly you are missing to fill the desired position. Search social media for people who can be your mentors. When all the missing data is in your hands, go ahead and act.

Chances are, you have to constantly learn, make mistakes and go to dead ends. This is fine. Most importantly, by following your dream, you will be the liveliest and happiest person in the world.

You are ready?
