The position of a director (head of a direction, etc.) requires from a person not only professionalism and dedication, but also the ability to take everything upon himself at the right time. However, cadres are everything, so whether you are at least seven inches in your forehead, you cannot do without competent and dedicated assistants.

Step 1
The person who will act as a boss during your absence and carry out a number of the most important tasks must have a number of positive qualities. First, he must be a professional in his field and know all the intricacies of business or production. Secondly, he must work in the company for enough time to earn the necessary weight in the team. Otherwise, immediately after your departure on a business trip or leaving for hospital, all the staff will go “some to the forest, some to buy wood,” and your protege will not be able to do anything about it, since no one respects him and does not want to be perceived as a leader.
Step 2
In a long-existing collective, as a rule, there are always several micro-groups with their own interests and unofficial leaders. One way or another, they periodically come into conflicts, both related to the performance of their official duties, and against the background of interpersonal communication. Therefore, a competent boss always, before appointing a deputy, must take this factor into account and approach his choice with extreme caution.
Step 3
Even if the candidate for the position of your deputy periodically enters into confrontation with you regarding any working moments, but at the same time is a competent specialist and really supports the common cause, make a choice in his favor. In a dispute, truth is born, so after such a decision, the affairs of your company are likely to go uphill.
Step 4
Do not appoint your friends or favorites as deputies just because they are. Among these there is always a wolf in sheep's clothing and will surely present you with an unpleasant surprise at the most inopportune moment. In addition, this may entail a sharp increase in oppositional moods in the team, or an increase in your "friends" who will want to achieve their benefits through flattery and sycophancy.
Step 5
Therefore, before making a decision, once again carefully consider all the candidates, evaluate their professional and personal qualities, their ability to act quickly in non-standard situations. And only after that, having weighed all the pros and cons, make a decision.