How To Recruit As An Apprentice

How To Recruit As An Apprentice
How To Recruit As An Apprentice

Table of contents:


In the process of economic activity of organizations, some employers employ workers who do not have any professional skills and knowledge. Of course, in this case it is advisable to conclude apprenticeship agreements with them, thereby you arrange training or retraining of employees. The personnel staff may have a question: how to get a person to work as a student.

How to recruit as an apprentice
How to recruit as an apprentice


Step 1

First, it should be noted that Russian labor legislation does not regulate the procedure for hiring for training. It follows from this that each manager develops an employment procedure independently, prescribing this in an accounting policy or in another regulatory act, for example, instructions.

Step 2

To get started, ask the student to write a statement to the CEO asking to be accepted for training. After that, you must take all the documents you need: passport, TIN, insurance certificate, if necessary - a medical certificate and others.

Step 3

Make an apprenticeship agreement. Please note that the document is drawn up in duplicate, one remains with you, and the second is handed over to the student.

Step 4

First, indicate the names of the parties in the contract, that is, indicate the name of the organization according to the constituent documents, and the surname, name, patronymic of the student. Below, write the specialty that the student will master.

Step 5

Be sure to write down the responsibilities of the parties. On your part, this can be: payment of a scholarship, provision of everything necessary for training, etc. On the part of the student, the duties are: respect for the property of the organization, conscientious teaching, etc.

Step 6

You can also specify the period of study, but labor law does not regulate this. Next, indicate additional conditions, for example, that the student undertakes to work in this organization for some time after training.

Step 7

Make a training schedule, it can be included in the student agreement itself, or it can be its application. Please note that the total number of hours of training per week cannot exceed forty, and you also cannot engage in overtime work, send on business trips and force you to go to training on weekends and holidays.

Step 8

As a rule, a scholarship should be paid to the student during the training. In accounting, such expenses are classified as other expenses. These amounts are subject to personal income tax, but are exempt from the UST. When calculating income tax, such costs may be included in other expenses.
