The correct selection of personnel allows you to solve many problems at the lowest cost. That is why the personnel issue must be approached extremely responsibly. Conditionally, the selection of personnel can be divided into several stages: determining the need for new personnel; formulation of requirements for the candidate; determination of the selection procedure; evaluation and selection of candidates.

articles of the Labor Code, Labor Code of the Russian Federation
Step 1
The first stage is planning and calculating the need for a new employee. Formulate the real requirements for the vacancy, as well as the functions and tasks that are supposed to be assigned to the new employee. Try to redistribute these functions among existing or potential employees who are able to effectively solve the assigned tasks. If this redeployment has proven ineffective, proceed to the next stage of recruiting.
Step 2
Regardless of what method you are going to use to submit information about a vacancy, clearly formulate both the requirements for candidates and possible restrictions (age, gender, etc.). This will save you from dealing with initially unsuitable candidates.
Step 3
Advertise in the media that there are vacancies in your firm. In addition, you can send requests to recruitment agencies, employment centers, and so on.
Step 4
Study the CVs provided by the candidates. Pay attention to the following points: • Clarity of the purpose of applying for a job;
• Work experience;
• Frequency of job changes;
• Positions held in previous firms;
• What functional duties the applicant performed;
• Recommendations. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the general structure of the resume, as well as the literacy level.
Step 5
After examining the resume, select the candidates you are interested in. Request references from previous jobs of selected candidates.
Step 6
A well-designed questionnaire will help you get additional information. Basically, the questions in such questionnaires are close to those covered by the resume, plus questions are added, the answers to which are of interest to a particular employer (health status, availability of additional specialties and knowledge, availability of a driver's license, attitude to overtime and business trips).
Step 7
The next stage of recruiting is a personal conversation. In this case, it is not at all necessary to adhere to the standard scheme. On the contrary, the practice of "stressful" interviews is now very common, during which the applicant is deliberately put in an awkward position, interrupted all the time, and "uncomfortable" questions are asked. This method allows you to immediately weed out people with low stress tolerance.
Step 8
If the interview did not allow making a certain choice, you can resort to testing candidates, both psychological and socionic, which allows you to determine the psychological compatibility of the candidate with potential colleagues.