Work and career

How To Record A Resignation

How To Record A Resignation

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

Dismissal of specialists from their posts occurs for various reasons, on which the type of entry in the work book depends. When entering information about the work in the column, references are made to the paragraph, article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, as well as other legislative acts

How To Record A Dismissal Of Your Own Free Will

How To Record A Dismissal Of Your Own Free Will

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

Every significant change in an employee's career, especially dismissal, must be legally reflected in his work book. If an employee leaves on his own, a note about this in his work book must reflect this circumstance and a link to the corresponding article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (part 3 of article 77) and be certified by the signature not only of the representative of the organization, but also of the employee himself

How To Turn Your Home Office Into The Perfect Place To Work

How To Turn Your Home Office Into The Perfect Place To Work

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

If you are reading this article, then you are probably just starting to create your home office. And already think in advance about how to make it the perfect place to work. In this article I will try to tell you about the most popular and effective ways to help you make your home office the perfect place to work, as well as share my experience

Benefits Of Working With Microstock

Benefits Of Working With Microstock

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

Microstock is a popular and affordable way for everyone to receive passive income over time. Working with microstock is suitable for anyone who loves creativity and independence. Instructions Step 1 The first advantage in working with microstock is independence and flexible distribution of time

How To Write Every Day: Tips For Writers

How To Write Every Day: Tips For Writers

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

Writers, even if they never confess, have a dream - to write as fast as Stephen King. The King of Horror and Writing Productivity publishes at least 3 books a year. How does he do it? It's simple - he writes constantly. Instructions Step 1 Analyze your day, make a schedule, or simply determine what time you can write and not be distracted

What Is Dropshipping And How To Make Money From It?

What Is Dropshipping And How To Make Money From It?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

Do you want to open your own online store, but there is no start-up capital to purchase goods? And you don't need to! Dropshipping allows you to sell directly from a supplier, leaving you with a trade margin. Dropshipping is an intermediary sale, when one person brings a supplier and a buyer together, and as a reward has his own markup on the supplier's price

How To Write Beautiful Texts For A Copywriter

How To Write Beautiful Texts For A Copywriter

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

Beautiful text is the key to the success of any copywriter. If you write beautiful texts correctly, you can increase your rating and increase income from written articles. A few rules for beautiful and selling text: High literacy The most important rule

How To Make Money On Maternity Leave At Home

How To Make Money On Maternity Leave At Home

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

Almost every day, millions of people wake up at an alarm clock, hastily prepare breakfast, get stuck in traffic jams on their way to work, sit in a stuffy office, and all this just to complete a routine list of duties for a small salary. They do not represent another life

Virtual Work, Or How To Make A Woman's Dream Come True

Virtual Work, Or How To Make A Woman's Dream Come True

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

Many women dream of staying at home, doing things that are pleasant for themselves, while also making money. It's time to move from dream to reality. Do you need remote work You definitely need remote work if you are tormented by problematic questions every day:

How To Organize Your Work At Home: 3 Principles

How To Organize Your Work At Home: 3 Principles

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

You don't have to be the most organized and disciplined person to work effectively at home. It is enough to pay attention to the main points of competent construction of remote work. Instructions Step 1 If there is no boss over you, you will have to fulfill this role for yourself

How To Concentrate On A Task While Working From Home

How To Concentrate On A Task While Working From Home

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

Working from home, a journalist is faced with many irritants. Either the cat tears up the upholstery of the sofa, then the children rush around the apartment, and instead of a structure for an article in their head, "if only they did not break an expensive vase

How To Avoid Cheating While Working On The Internet

How To Avoid Cheating While Working On The Internet

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

The Internet provides many opportunities for earning money. At the same time, an attempt to make money may not be crowned with success. Do not forget about the risks associated with working on the World Wide Web. Not knowing the simple rules, you can not only not get profit, but also lose your hard-earned money

How To Find Inspiration For Articles

How To Find Inspiration For Articles

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

A professional crisis can come in the life of every writer. I want to write about a lot, but all possible topics have been exhausted, and inspiration never comes. This is not a reason for frustration, it is only important to find new sources of inspiration

How To Interview On Skype

How To Interview On Skype

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

Personal meetings fade into the background. It is much more convenient to arrange a meeting with an expert on Skype - you can speak from anywhere in the world, in any environment. Here are some tips to help you make the most of your golden 30 minutes of interview

Top 12 Copywriting Exchanges: An Overview

Top 12 Copywriting Exchanges: An Overview

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

Looking for additional income? Do you have such qualities as perseverance, structural thinking and focus on results? Then try to make money by writing texts - copywriting. Not sure where to start? If you want to become a good specialist, start with copywriting exchanges

How To Fill Out A Certificate To Determine The Amount Of Unemployment Benefits

How To Fill Out A Certificate To Determine The Amount Of Unemployment Benefits

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

Each person in one way or another faced the problem of unemployment, even for a short period of time. While you are looking for a new job, it is worth registering at an employment center, where, in order to receive benefits, you need to submit a certificate of wages

How To Issue A Dismissal By Agreement Of The Parties

How To Issue A Dismissal By Agreement Of The Parties

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

According to the Labor Code, the relationship between employer and employee can be terminated by mutual agreement. This method of terminating an employment contract is the least problematic and time consuming. But one way or another, personnel workers will have to draw up a number of documents

How To Write A Letter Of Resignation Correctly

How To Write A Letter Of Resignation Correctly

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

If an employee wishes to resign from the organization, he should write a statement asking him to dismiss him of his own free will. There is no unified form for this document, the application is written in any form, but it must contain the date from which the employee asks to fire him

How To Write An Application For A Reduction

How To Write An Application For A Reduction

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

The reduction in the number or staff of employees, unfortunately, is not uncommon in our time. If you assume the same in relation to yourself, then you have probably taken measures in order to protect yourself financially. Perhaps you are looking for (or have already found) a job in related companies, decided to move to another city, etc

How To Fire A Non-cut

How To Fire A Non-cut

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

Dismissal is an unpleasant procedure. The employee's self-esteem falls and there is a need to look for a new job, and the employer has a reason to fear that the offended employee will turn to the labor inspectorate and prove that he was fired illegally

How To Write A Reduction Notice

How To Write A Reduction Notice

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

Due to the economic crisis or other reasons, employers cut their staff. To do this, an order should be issued and employees whose positions fall under the reduction should be notified in writing two months before the procedure. The notification does not have a unified form, but must contain mandatory details

How To Issue A Layoff On Staff Reduction

How To Issue A Layoff On Staff Reduction

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

In accordance with article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer can terminate the contract with the employee due to staff reductions. In this case, it is very important to correctly draw up all the necessary documents in order to protect yourself from litigation

How To Say You're Quitting

How To Say You're Quitting

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

The employer should be informed about the dismissal from work, taking into account the existing corporate rules, for a certain period before the implementation of their own decision. At the same time, one should behave as friendly as possible, try to complete and transfer all the planned cases and projects

How To Get Work Experience

How To Get Work Experience

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

Today there are a huge number of companies engaged in the design of work books at the request of the customer. Should I contact such organizations? Maybe it's better to formalize your labor relations in an official way? Instructions Step 1 Contact one of the firms that provide registration and restoration of work books

How To Leave A Director From A Firm In

How To Leave A Director From A Firm In

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

The time of dismissal comes, this is a frequent case, and every personnel worker knows this procedure from and to. It will not be difficult to issue the dismissal of both an ordinary employee and a director of the company, but it is worth noting that the procedure for dismissing the first person of the company has a number of peculiarities

How To Choose A Place Of Work

How To Choose A Place Of Work

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

When you are faced with a choice of place of work, you need to ask yourself the question: what do you want to get? The more accurate the answer, the easier it will be for you to decide on a new job. Instructions Step 1 Do you have a specialty that was not chosen by chance, that you like, and you are not going to change it?

How To Fire An Employee On Vacation

How To Fire An Employee On Vacation

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employee on vacation cannot be fired. But what if he could not cope with his direct responsibilities during work or asked to be fired himself? Instructions Step 1 If the employee does not suit you, call him to your place and negotiate with him, offering to quit on a voluntary basis, of his own free will

How To Take A Vacation Followed By Dismissal

How To Take A Vacation Followed By Dismissal

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

Upon dismissal, the employee has the right to receive monetary compensation for unused vacation or take a walk until the actual date of termination of the employment contract. This is provided for by article 127 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

How Not To Work Out A 2 Week Trial Period

How Not To Work Out A 2 Week Trial Period

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

Issues related to the termination of an employment contract at the initiative of an employee are regulated by Art. 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. It also applies to those of them who are going to quit while on probation. Many employers, and the workers themselves, do not see the difference between the labor rights of those who work on a permanent basis and those who are hired for a trial period

How To Quit Your Job If You Are On Vacation

How To Quit Your Job If You Are On Vacation

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

You went on vacation, and suddenly you were invited to work in the company of your dreams. Or you sold an apartment and bought a home in another city. Or, having had a good night's sleep, they realized that they were doing something different from what they dreamed of in childhood, and that it was time to quit with it

How To Properly Manage A Company

How To Properly Manage A Company

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

The results of a firm's work depend not only on the quality of its products or services provided. For an enterprise to succeed, it requires competent and correct management of business processes and personnel. Building an effective management system is one of the top priorities of a manager

How To Fire An Unwanted Employee

How To Fire An Unwanted Employee

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

The employer tries to form the team in such a way that each employee is a specialist in his field, active, efficient and sociable. After all, the relations that develop between employees of the same link seriously affect the efficiency of their activities

How To Issue A Director's Dismissal

How To Issue A Director's Dismissal

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

The dismissal of a director, whose position is elective or competitive, is possible in accordance with Article 279 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, but this article is suitable only if the dismissal is not related to the guilty and illegal actions of the manager

How To Document A Dismissal Under An Article

How To Document A Dismissal Under An Article

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

In the process of labor relations, sometimes a situation arises when the employer is forced to dismiss the employee under the article. This can happen due to labor or administrative violations on the part of the employee. Of course, at first the manager tries to settle everything peacefully, that is, he invites the employee to resign of his own free will, but when he is against it, a record of the dismissal under the article “lays down” in the work book

How To Fire For Lack

How To Fire For Lack

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

For the shortage, you can dismiss the materially responsible person under article No. 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, paragraph No. 7, as for the loss of confidence. Everything needs to be documented correctly so that if an employee turns to the labor inspectorate or the court, there are no problems and the employer is not forced to reinstate the dismissed at the workplace and pay compensation for the forced downtime

How To Fire For Theft

How To Fire For Theft

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for the termination of an employment contract at the initiative of the employer in the event that the employee commits theft (including minor) at the place of work. Termination of an employment contract with a guilty employee depends entirely on the will of the head of the enterprise, therefore, if you still decide to dismiss, you need to act as follows

How To Catch A Bribe

How To Catch A Bribe

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

Bribes in Russia have long been commonplace. Moreover, bribes are ingrained in almost every area of public life. Now there is an active fight against bribery and corruption. Many people hesitate or are afraid to contact the law enforcement agencies, and want to independently catch a presumptuous official or other high-ranking person on a bribe

How To Start Reporting

How To Start Reporting

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

Reporting is one of the most lively and operative genres in journalism. It tells about an event witnessed by the journalist himself. At the same time, a real professional will definitely track the development of the event, determine its key points and record the opinions of participants and eyewitnesses

How To Challenge Dismissal

How To Challenge Dismissal

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

A very unpleasant event happened - you were illegally fired from your job. Not only have you lost a job that satisfies your needs, but also received a compromising entry in your work book. After all, dismissal at the initiative of the employer (Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) occurs on grounds that will not decorate you in the eyes of a potential recruiter

How To Fire A Financially Responsible Person

How To Fire A Financially Responsible Person

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

A financially responsible person can be dismissed under Article 81, paragraph 7 for lack of confidence. A financially responsible person is an employee with whom a liability agreement has been concluded and is directly related to the work with values