Due to the economic crisis or other reasons, employers cut their staff. To do this, an order should be issued and employees whose positions fall under the reduction should be notified in writing two months before the procedure. The notification does not have a unified form, but must contain mandatory details.

It is necessary
- - Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
- - forms of relevant documents;
- - documents of employees;
- - documents of the enterprise;
- - seal of the organization;
- - a pen;
- - personnel documents.
Step 1
Before writing notices to employees, draw up an order. In the upper right corner of the document, enter the full and abbreviated name of the organization in accordance with the charter or other constituent document. Write the name of the document in capital letters, indicate the subject of the order, which in this case will correspond to the reduction in the number of staff. Enter the reason for this procedure, which must correspond, for example, production needs or other factors.
Step 2
In the administrative part of the order, write the names of positions, structural units that are to be reduced.
Assign responsibility for the execution of the document to a personnel worker. Assign him to write notifications to employees. Certify the order with the signature of the director or other authorized person, the seal of the enterprise.
Step 3
Notify in writing the employment center for which your company is geographically assigned. The letter should be sent two months before the relevant events.
Step 4
Compose notices for each employee whose position is to be laid off. In the upper right corner, write down their surnames, names, patronymics, job titles, structural divisions. In the content of the document, indicate the date from which the reduction is supposed to be made, the reason that served to carry out this procedure.
Step 5
The notification should be personally signed by the head of the enterprise. The document should be written in two copies, on one of them the employee must sign and the date of receipt, return it to the employer, and keep the second one for himself.
After two months, dismiss employees in accordance with labor laws, pay them cash on account, including severance pay.
Step 6
It should be borne in mind that the employer is obliged to offer employees who are subject to redundancy, other vacant positions, but if there are none or specialists do not agree with the transfer for some reason, dismissal is inevitable.