Writers, even if they never confess, have a dream - to write as fast as Stephen King. The King of Horror and Writing Productivity publishes at least 3 books a year. How does he do it? It's simple - he writes constantly.

Step 1
Analyze your day, make a schedule, or simply determine what time you can write and not be distracted. Pick that hour and set your reminder 30 minutes early to get ready for work.
Step 2
Choose the topic you are going to write about. To do this, it is better to arrange a brainstorming session on the weekend and put together a content plan for the whole week. You can download themes for "freewriting", at the same time you get to know yourself better. If you want to improve your writing skill, write a word list. Choose a new word each time and write a story with it.
Step 3
Sit down to write at the same time every day. For example, daily from 21:00 to 21:30. If nothing comes to mind, still sit for these 30 minutes in front of the computer. You can describe your own day, write down thoughts, opinions, or even feedback. At this stage, your task is to get used to spending 30 minutes a day specifically on writing, even if the tornado is not written at all outside the window.
Step 4
Set a timer for 30 minutes - that's about 2-3,000 characters or 200-300 words. In the beginning, this will be enough. Add minutes every two weeks until you get to 45 minutes. Then you can add a 15-20 minute break and after it another period in the following sequence: 15-30-35-40-45 minutes. As a result, in six months you will get used to writing 90 minutes a day, which is 1600-2000 words or 6-8 book pages.