Do I need to conduct an assessment of personnel in the company? The answer is unequivocal - it is necessary. As practice shows, a competent, non-formal assessment is necessary for both the employer and the employee. The manager has a list of specialists who are the "core" of the company, as well as a high-quality personnel reserve. In turn, an employee who is not indifferent to the business with whom he is busy should know that he is appreciated in the company, he has the prospect of moving up the career ladder.

Step 1
The manager decides how to assess the personnel. It is he who gives the assignment for the development of the necessary documents, determines the category of employees to be assessed. These can be all employees of the enterprise, only workers, or, conversely, only specialists.
Step 2
So, the task was received to assess the entire staff of the company. The goal is to assess the performance of each employee in terms of key indicators. Most often it is: - the fulfillment of production tasks; - the initiative shown; - the quality of work.
Step 3
An assessment sheet must be prepared for each employee. Grades are put down by the direct head of the structural unit (shop manager, foreman, department head) at the end of a certain period (quarter, year). The score can be: 3 - above the expected; 2 - corresponds to the expected; 1 - below the expected. In the total line, the final average score is calculated.
Step 4
Each employee should familiarize himself with his scorecard. After that, it must be handed over to the personnel management department, where it must be stored until the end of the next reporting period
Step 5
The results of evaluating the effectiveness of the work of personnel should be taken into account by the manager when: • drawing up a reserve of personnel; • filling a vacant position • distribution of the bonus fund; • sending employees to refresher courses, etc.
Step 6
A deeper assessment of personnel takes place during the certification of employees. It, as a rule, applies only to specialists and managers of the enterprise and is carried out once every three years. The decision to conduct a regular or extraordinary certification is made by the head, acting on the basis of one-man management. This decision is approved by order. On the basis of the “Regulations on certification”, one or more (depending on the size of the company) certification commissions are created, a certification schedule is drawn up, and other necessary activities are carried out.