As successful figures in the world of fashion say, becoming a member of the team of a glossy magazine is a completely achievable goal. The main thing that a person needs at the very beginning of this path is a sincere desire to deal with fashion professionally and a willingness to prove himself in this area.

Step 1
Assess your capabilities. You need to carefully analyze your experience and knowledge in the field of fashion. You can work in a glossy magazine as an author, as well as a stylist, make-up artist, photographer, consultant, fashion columnist. It is important to understand which field of activity interests you the most: study the vacancies of fashion magazines and find out the basic requirements of employers.
Step 2
Create a resume. It should correspond as closely as possible to the chosen vacancy. Go through all the requirements for candidates and make sure that there are no too obvious gaps in your resume. Before mailing it out to fashion magazines and recruiting agencies, evaluate the hiring conditions, where you can lose to competitors, and your advantages over them. Try to draw the employer's attention to your strengths and attach as much information as possible to your resume about your achievements in the field of fashion.
Step 3
Consider fallbacks. If your resume clearly does not meet the requirements of the desired vacancy and you do not have enough knowledge, skills and experience to get a job in a fashion magazine in the desired place, you do not need to despair. You can try yourself as an assistant, secretary or even a courier. This will help you become part of the environment where you want to be successful. In the meantime, you will gain experience, and at the same time you will be able to undergo training, which in the future will allow you to apply for the job of your dreams. Many fashion professionals started their careers this way.
Step 4
Work on your appearance. Appearance is far from the last place in the list of requirements for employees of fashion magazines. It will be difficult for you to convince a potential employer that you are competent enough if your appearance says otherwise. But that doesn't mean that you need to come to the interview in designer clothes. It is much more important to demonstrate the presence of taste and individual style.
Step 5
Prepare for interviews ahead of time. Be prepared to be judged critically. Researching all the information you can about each publisher you are invited to as a candidate will help you look confident and professional. If you are applying for a low-profile position, show the potential employer that you are ready for hard or routine work for the opportunity to dive headlong into the world of fashion.