A financially responsible person can be dismissed under Article 81, paragraph 7 for lack of confidence. A financially responsible person is an employee with whom a liability agreement has been concluded and is directly related to the work with values. An accountant or other employees related to accounting activities cannot be financially responsible persons and therefore the article for lack of confidence does not apply to them. If you want to terminate the employment relationship, complete all written documents confirming certain actions.

It is necessary
- - checking act;
- - explanatory note;
- - a document on the imposition of a penalty;
- - equipment inspection report.
Step 1
Only documentary registration will allow you to apply Article 81. If the facts are not proven, then you cannot dismiss the financially responsible person under the Article for lack of confidence.
Step 2
Check all entrusted material assets. During the inspection, representatives of the administration of the enterprise must be present. If a shortage is found, draw up a written verification report in triplicate. Each copy will require the signature of all members of the commission and the financially responsible person.
Step 3
Ask the employee to write a written explanation detailing what happened. If a financially responsible employee does not want to give written explanations, draw up an act in which it is indicated that the employee did not give a written explanation for his guilty actions. The act must be signed by the head of the enterprise and the members of the commission who carried out the inspection.
Step 4
Draw up a written sentence and order. In the order, indicate that the employee (full name) must be punished for guilty actions and embezzlement.
Step 5
Invite a specialist from the service center to check and write a written opinion on the serviceability of measuring instruments, since very often sellers, storekeepers, forwarders refer that the shortage was due to a malfunction of measuring instruments, for example, scales. The written opinion must be signed by the head of the enterprise, a representative of the service company and members of the commission who were present at the inspection.
Step 6
Introduce all documents to the employee. On each he must put his personal signature.
Step 7
If the work was carried out by the brigade method, then personally present the indicated charges to all members of the brigade. It is strictly prohibited to list all employees in a team under one indictment.
Step 8
Having compiled a documentary base confirming the fact of the shortage and the actions that led to it, terminate the employment contract unilaterally. You can also sue, demanding the payment of material damage by the guilty person.