Material-responsible employees work in almost all organizations. It also happens that they quit. Before the personnel workers, and even before the head, the question arises: how to carry out this procedure.

Step 1
A financially responsible employee is dismissed according to the same principle as an ordinary employee, that is, it can be of his own free will, or maybe for some act. One way or another, before dismissal, he must transfer all the material values that are assigned to him.
Step 2
As a rule, if an employee leaves of his own free will, he must notify the manager of this in writing two weeks in advance. During this time, he must give you all the affairs, property and other values. Under no circumstances should an employee be detained for more than two weeks, even if the transfer is not completely completed.
Step 3
In the event that the dismissal took place on a voluntary agreement of both the employer and the employee, the transfer period may be delayed, for example, if it is impossible to transfer all the work in two weeks, the dismissal date is postponed.
Step 4
In the case of dismissal of an employee for a misdemeanor, for example, absenteeism, you need to act in the same way as in the first case, that is, keep within a two-week period.
Step 5
As a rule, an inventory of values is carried out first. It is carried out by a commission consisting of independent people, that is, those who are not interested in concealing the facts of damage, theft, etc. Based on the calculations, an act is drawn up, which is subsequently transferred to the accounting department for reconciliation.
Step 6
The financially responsible employee must submit all documents to the accounting department before the start of the inventory and give a receipt that all information has been reported.
Step 7
If in the course of the inventory shortcomings are revealed, then, despite the dismissal, the materially responsible employee must compensate for all the damage (Article 232 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
Step 8
In this case, the employee must write an explanation of the results obtained. In case of refusal, an act is drawn up with two witnesses. This document will serve as the basis for going to court.